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IT'S SAFE TO SAY THAT y/n had become completely whipped for a ginger.

"damn it, shoyo. what are you doing to me..." she sighed. she looked in the mirror with a frown while she got her hair ready for bed and washed her face.

"i swear that boy is gonna make me fold like a damn fool." she chuckled a bit to herself and walked out of the bathroom door, falling back on her bed.

y/n rolled over on her stomach and took out her phone, scrolling through the pictures her and her volleyball obsessed friend took together with their milkshakes. she added it to her instagram story and put it in one of her highlights without hesitation, being sure to tag him so that he could repost it.

y/n had a story highlight full of just her and her close friends, mostly being the girls volleyball team and boys volleyball team, or family friends. she also had some friends on the girls basketball team back when she was in the club outside of school.

in all honesty, her friends list wasn't exactly anything to brag about, she didn't socialize much. the only reason she knew the boys volleyball team was because her older brother brought her to his games when they were younger after kiyoko introduced her beforehand.

"oi! y/n! i need help with my homework!"

"do it yourself?! you're older than me, idiot."

"so what?? you can't help the 'best big brother in the world' out?!"

h/n deadpanned, he did this too often for her liking. she knew some of the answers on that paper, she just didn't want to help him. not her fault he's dumb.

last night they were messing around with the volleyball together in the backyard, 'lightly' peppering until he spiked the ball right down on her face.

why he was even spiking the ball in the first place, you might ask?

that's a great question, the girl would also love to know the answer to that. especially considering the fact that it literally had nothing to do with his position, in any way.

so why in the world would she help him with his homework? she'd rather choose peace and be petty.

"yū. I'm not doing your homework, just look up the answers or something..."

did we skip the part where i told you about how y/n nishinoya is the younger sister of yū nishinoya? oops!

unfortunately for her, she lived with the dumbass that she called big bro, and has put up with him almost her entire life. but they aren't completely related.

y/n is his half sister, though gramps never really specified which parent they had in common. (a/n: they got the same daddy🫡) but neither of them cared for the fact. if anyone dared to ask, they were 100% blood related.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 .ᐟ     𝖲𝖯𝖨𝖣𝖤𝖱-𝖲𝖧𝖮𝖸𝖮 𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖠Where stories live. Discover now