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"SHO. ARE YOU EVEN listening to me?"

the boy wasn't fully focused, he was occupied with texting the volleyball team group chat to ask for the game schedule.

"hm," he hummed out. he was slowly turning his head y/n's way, but his eyes were still focused on the screen as he quickly finished up his message before finally bringing his eyes to her and pocketing his phone.

"sorry, what was that?" he questioned, tilting his head.

'why was that kind of... no! stop it!'

"o-oh... nothing. i forgot, sorry." she muttered.

he only shrugged and turned around to talk to kageyama about something before the teacher had come into the room and assigned everyone work for the day.

oh how the girl despised chemistry and the lame ass teacher, "you all have a test next week, and this assignment is a big grade due in the next hour. do your best but do it quickly, pelase."

yeah, there's no way she was going to pass that.

y/n sighed and started on her work, she had no idea what she was supposed to be doing but she figured she'd wing it, as per usual.

the girl zoned out as her thoughts drifted elsewhere after glancing over at the ginger-haired figure next to her for a second.

the bruise under his eye was slowly healing from yesterday, but it looked so painful.

how long would this go on for? shoyo isn't supposed to be some worldwide hero risking his life day after day, he's just a boy.

he had set up some pretty harsh expectations for himself ever since he started this so-called-career and the girl could only pity him from that point on. almost every night he'd show up at her window, and every time he'd be in a worse condition than the previous visit.

just the other day he was electrocuted in a lake for fucks sake! how long does he have to endure this pain until he can finally rest? it's been months on end and not a day has gone by where he hadn't been wrapped up like a mummy.

y/n didn't care how fast he healed or how high his pain tolerance was, or how much strength he inherited. she'd be damned if she let him go without having something done with his injuries.

there had to be a way that the boy could get a break from all of this, he's not even out of school yet, he still has other things to do, a whole life ahead of him!

he was so pure and he was so hooked up on being a volleyball player, all for him to declare that he was going to quit? that he supposedly had to quit??

all because he would rather save a bunch of strangers. was there nobody else who could possibly step up?!

why must everyone be a villain? surely someone could take shoyo's place.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 .ᐟ     𝖲𝖯𝖨𝖣𝖤𝖱-𝖲𝖧𝖮𝖸𝖮 𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖠Where stories live. Discover now