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"OI, HAVE YOU heard the rumor?" tobio broke the silence first.

shoyo and tobio met up at the arcade to hang out. shoyo was focused on getting a candy from the claw machine while the taller was leaning against it, biting into a pretzel.

"no...? what rumor?" he questioned without looking at tobio, refusing to lose focus.

"it's about you and y/n, they say you're dating now. somebody said they saw you guys at the gas station a few nights ago sharing a drink. i'm surprised you actually confessed though, it shouldn't take anyone that long."

the shorter boy stopped his focus for a moment and then chuckled, "i didn't. the rumors aren't true."

the other boy rolled his eyes, "of course. i figured as much."

he knew they weren't dating yet. the setter 100% believed he'd be the first to know if one of them really grew the balls to speak up about their feelings.

the real question was which one of them would tell the other first.

"you've gotta be kidding..." shoyo was not very good with claw machine games. unfortunately, he did not get any candy that day.

tobio did though.




y/n jumped on the male and hugged him, to which he returned with a snicker after realizing it was her, "hello y/n, what are you doing here?"

y/n let go of him and started walking with him, giving him a big grin, "i was just walking around and i saw you! what about you? how's university? what're you doing in the city?"

"i'm just headed to meet up with the guys, we're going to the movies. we're on break right now so i'm staying here with family." he replied, a small and content smile reaching his gentle features.

"ohhh, well i'm glad i ran into you, then. we all really miss you, especially me." she frowned, remembering how heart-felt their goodbye was when he and the others had graduated.

it left you in tears, especially with how close you were with kōshi in particular.

the boy pat her head gently with a caring look, "i'm sure you do, y/n."

she smiled, hugging him again. and of course, he returned it once again, "i miss you, too."

once they broke the hug he placed his hands on her shoulders, "now i know you're here to do schoolwork, so get it done. i'll see you again soon, alright?"

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 .ᐟ     𝖲𝖯𝖨𝖣𝖤𝖱-𝖲𝖧𝖮𝖸𝖮 𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖠Where stories live. Discover now