I need you (Book 2)

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a/n: Read on your own risk. This book has a lot of errors and badly need editing. I'm currently revising the Book 1 of this book that's why this story remains On Hold for a while. Thanks for understanding~

Chapter 1- It's me

I keep playing that song in my iPod while sitting at the bench, scanning how beautiful the surrounding is. I’ve been staying here since this morning. I can’t help it, I’m too bored in my apartment and I decided to enjoy my last day in Japan.


I decided to go to Japan with my friend, Yui. I accidentally bumped her when I was in a hurry and we became friends so she invited me to go with her in Japan since I mention her that I love to draw. She’s an amateur in Photography and she always visit some Art Gallery so she wanted me to display my work. Without thinking, I agree but then, something is bothering in my mind. I shouldn’t do whatever I want alone. I need to inform NU’EST first. Later, I had a chance to talk to them and they said that I should be the one who plan what I want. I loved to, but I will miss them so much. But then, I decided to go, even if it’s hard. I want to achieve my dream. Seeing my works in the Art Gallery would be nice. I can’t stop myself not to chuckle as I imagine how it looks like. It may not be very famous Art Gallery but for me, it’s a pleasure to has an opportunity like that. And also, NU’EST started preparing their debut. I’m happy that they finally reach their goal to be a singer.

On the day of my flight to Japan is NU’EST’s debut stage so they cannot go with me in the airport. I just leave some notes to them but honestly, I feel that I’m not important to them that time. Of course I want to see them but I cannot. I’m not mad, I just can’t accept the fact that I cannot say goodbye to them in person.


“Sandy, Sandy neobakken anboyeo

Babe I’m loving you Babe…”

I really love to listen on their songs, especially the song Sandy. I feel that they are calling my name. I don’t actually listen to music but their song caught my attention. Then those memories flashes on my mind- the childish boys, that you can trust and helps you if you need them. Trying to make you happy when you feel sad, giving you courage to stand, and giving their shoulder to comfort you. After remembering those happy moments about NU’EST, I found myself in the middle of the dark. I hurriedly went home and plan to pack my luggage.


“Calling the flight to Korea, please go to your respective plane now….” (sorry if its wrong, I don’t have any idea of itXD)

I hastened my steps in order to arrive in Korea as fast as possible. I miss them, I miss everything. But I need to accept the fact that if ever they didn’t remember that I’m Sandy that they knew, I should not get mad at them.


Finally I arrive safe in Korea. I earn some money in Japan so I can stay at the hotel. So, I guess that Aron and the others were busy preparing for the next album. I’m quite nervous because I know, the song is different on their previous album. What if Aron needs to kiss the girl? Or what if he fell in love on the girl? Aish, I need to calm down. He’s not like that, he didn’t do something like that. He’s not a traitor..

I throw my things in the ground and jumped in the bed and timidly open my laptop. I’ve been very busy that’s why I can’t have a time to watch their reality shows. I started to watch it and later, I fell asleep with my laptop still switched on..


Today, I plan to attend NU’EST’s fan signing event, this is my first time so I’m nervous. So many fans but I tried to make my way to walk in the bathroom. I brought some wig, a big eyeglasses and a brace. I started to wear it and wonder what I look like. I check myself on the mirror and found myself a nerd. They will not recognize me with this look. Yeah, I plan to surprise them and they didn’t know that I’m here in Korea.

I need you (#2) ✔Where stories live. Discover now