Chapter 15(Finale Part 2)

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Fighting between life and death

Everyone is in a hurry when I got there. People looks worried all the time as the nurses run back and forth. I saw people crying so bad, on the other side, there's a girl who passed out a minute ago.

"Sandy, you sure you're okay?" Minhyun once asked me. I told him a couple of times that I'm fine and now, there he goes again.

"I swear Minhyun, if you'll ask me that question again I'm going to send you to Emergency Room with Aron.. I'm fine, ok? Don't worry."

The time I step in the hospital, I didn't cry. I just don't want to cry again. I felt like I've been doing that everyday and I'm very tired of it.

"It's just that... Aaah, nevermind." He scratches his head and went over to Ren who's busy comforting the girls. The one who's crying are the fans. The other boys were comforting them.

"Hey." Someone patted me my head. I turn around and saw Baekho. "Let's bring them drinks."

I just nodded and followed him. I'm sure that they are all tired. I just learn that they haven't rest since they just came back from their tour.

I let Baekho decide to what drinks to take and sat on the nearest bench. I felt very tired.

"Here." I accepted the can. He sat beside me and drank his coffee.

"Everything will be fine."

"I know."

He put the coffee to his side and turn to me. "Please don't pretend to be okay. If you want to cry, then cry. You're making it too hard for you. You don't know how it feels when I'm seeing you trying to be strong. I know you, and I'm sure the other members felt the same way too."

"I'm strong enough! I don't need to cry.. I'm not weak! How many times do I need to tell you that I'm fine?"

"You can lie but your eyes cannot hide it." I suddenly stop. Is it very obvious? All I want is to be strong, as Aron fight between life and death. I wanted to be strong, because that's the only thing I can think of to help him.

"How can he make it if you can't be stronger than him?" he mumbled. "How can he survive if you won't show him how much you love him?"

Baekho hug me as tears finally fall in my cheeks. I shouldn't be like this...

"Geez, crying won't make you weak. It's like a remedy. No one should question you because of that. It'll serve as our healer if we cannot take it anymore. Somehow, I adore those who cry so bad. In their case, they seems having a hard time in their life, but still, they are still trying.. like how they are so open to show their vulnerable side then will get up again, bruised but stronger. If he's watching now, probably he's sadder than you think." He wipe the remaining tears in my eyes. "And probably he's killing me now."

I laughed.

"Hyung, I'm just comforting her. Don't misunderstand."

"Crazy." I said to him.

"Cry baby." He said back and I smiled. "There, smile more."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you.."

"And sorry.."

He then sip his coffee. "For what?"

"For everything.. And for liking me." I chuckle in my last thought. I remember those times when he confessed to me. I should be thankful to him that time, because if he didn't confess to me, Aron won't say his true feelings over me. Good thing is, I finally learn that me and Aron felt the same way. If he didn't confess, even if it's just an accident for revealing his feelings, maybe I'm with Baekho now. It's not hard to love Baekho, I can say that because I'm very close to him than the other member. I just hope he can find someone who'll love him.

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