Chapter 2- Meeting you again...

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Chapter 2- Meeting you again…

“It’s me..”

“Huh? Who?” Who the hell is this person? But the voice sounds familiar

“Wait!! Are you the guy that accidentally- but wait, he’s an old man.”I bit my lips and try to remember that time

“What are you talking about?”

“Huh? So you’re not the old man? Then, who are you?”

“Do I sound like an old man to you? But anyway, before I reveal myself kindly explain to me why you came here in Korea without saying.”

I paused, who is he?,”How did y- Wait a minute? Oppa? Aron oppa?” I happily said, it’s really him..

“Sigh, you didn’t answer my question. Yeah, it’s me Aon.. Stay there, don’t go anywhere..”

“Bu-“ I was cut off when he hung up the call, I sat on the bench firmly, as Aron said. But where is he? How can he able to come here if he didn’t even ask where I am. Suddenly, I saw Aron, standing next to the payphone not so far from me.

“Sandy” he said and wave happily. He walked over to where I was.

I then stood up and wait for him. I plan to hug him but I decided not to, what if there’s someone who’s watching. Sad to say but I need to accept the fact that he’s not an ordinary guy here. He’s the member of one of the famous group that just debuted last year. When he reach me, I stop for a while, scanning the place and making sure that no one’s watching.

“Why?” he then asked me

“Uh.. Nothing..” I reply. He look at me in slight confusion. I sat on the bench and gesture him to join me.

“Soory..” I mumbled when he’s in the bench

“Why are you saying soory?” he asked.

“I just want to surprise NU’EST.. That’s why I didn’t inform you… Sorry” I lower my head, refusing to look at his eyes

“Oh, no it’s fine. Don’t worrt about it. Can I asked?”

I look at his eyes this time,”You already asking me..”

“Uhm… I just don’t get it. Why do you need to pretend to be our fan? You should not wear those wigs and pretend to be an ordinary girl..”

“I’m just an ordinary girl oppa..” I said, correcting on what he said

“But for me your not..” he pouted

“But honestly, do you really notice me with those wig?”

“To tell you the truth, I didn’t notice you at first but when you talk to me, I sense that it was you. But I found Shin Soo Ri cute..” he told me

“Really? Ren also said he likes me..” I continue to look at him

“Really…. That Ren..” he smirk

“What’s that for?” he stared at me, with his fierce look. I blush and manage to look away. Looking down in embarrassment, he place his hand in the top of my hand.

“Look at me..” he ordered. I then tilted my head to face him, “Handsome right?”

I laugh at him and smile. He’s Aron Kwak that I knew before, he didn’t change. Only his face that looks really matured changes. I wonder what the other look likes. I can’t able to look at them in fan signing because there’s so many fan girls..

The rain started to fall and we both run to find a shelter. As the rain becomes heavy, Aron took out his jacket and place it on my head.

“Hey, you might catch a cold..” I said, refusing to accept the jacket

I need you (#2) ✔Where stories live. Discover now