Chapter 13- Samantha

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(Short update)

Sandy's POV

I woke up and first thing I want to do is to drink water. My throat is all dry. I turn my gaze to the person in my side.  Unnie.

"Ria Unnie?" she looked at me in surprise. Ria stood up and walked at me.

"Sandy! Thank goodness! Are you alright? Are you still hurt? What do you want?"

"A glass of water, please."

"Oh, right." she went to the side and get some water. When she handed the water to me, I didn't wait any minute and drink it. That freshen me up.

"Aron and the others." I stop and looked at her. "They are outside. They seems... fighting over that American guy."

American guy... 

"Unnie, what happened to me?"

"You were hit, fortunately you quickly dodge the big truck but not the bicycle." Unne made a look. "I swear, I'm gonna rip that mouth of the bicycle guy. He's too careless! Didn't he saw that you are about to hit?"

"Let's not worry about it."

"But Aron seems so angry... Especially that he's been telling us that it's his fault."

No. It's definitely my fault. I've been too careless.. And I think I need to say sorry to Aron.. 

A minute later, the boys were happily talking with each other as if there's nothing happened outside the room. I saw Aron staring at me. I smile and gesture him to come closer.

"Hmm, you need anything?" he asks

I shook my head and pointed the chair in my side. He sat there in silence. "Sorry about what I said before Aron."

"Ah, yeah.. Sure."

"I've been very weak.. I'm sorry..."

He reach for my hand and squeeze it. "No. Sorry for not understanding you.. It's my fault also."

"But what happened outside? Where's... where's that guy?"

"Please don't even mention that douche bag. I'm still pissed."

I saw the irritation in his face. I squeezes his hand and smiled at him. "Thank you, Aron.. Thank you."

He lean closer and gave me a kiss to my forehead. "Anytime."


Thing flew so fast.. I'm okay and been gone to hospital now. I was about to call Aron to pick me up when a saw a silhouette of a girl. At first, I didn't bother checking it but when I reach the station and notice the girl, I turn my heels to walk in her side.

But I was shock to see who the girl was.


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