Chapter 12- Trouble again

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"Here's a coffee to make you smile." I gave Ria Unnie a smile. It's been a year.. A year since I last saw him.. They're already here in Korea, but I just can't show myself to them. I changed my address and hide. I always stay in this café where Unnie work but I keep my image.

Am I a celebrity? Nah, just protecting myself from the fans. Obviously, they want me to tear into pieces. Even if they deny it, I can feel they have this bad vibes to me. I can't befriend them.

"Thank you.." I said as I sip the hot coffee. That's the time my mind freshen up. I gave her a thumbs up.

"Why don't you just see them."

"I can't. You know that."

"You know what?" she pulled the chair in my front and sit. "It's really hard to lie to them. Every night they'll ask me about your whereabouts and I just can't say no to you so I manage to keep my words. Ren would chat me every night to find out about you."

"You and Ren talked every night?" there, I blurted out. I just can't believe that they've been talking a lot yet Unnie didn't mention it. She quickly cover my mouth and gaze to the surroundings.

"Shh, you're too noisy! You want me to have a bunch of pathetic haters?"

I remove her hands. "Sorry, ok? It's just that, you didn't mention it to me.."

"Geez, it's not that matter.. In fact, he was told to stick on me. If I know Aron asked for it."

I didn't mind what she said, and came to ask for the important question. "Do Ren and you have something that I don't know?"

Her eyes went wide and slam the table, making a loud noise. "Of course not! You said stupid thing Sandy!!"

"Unnie.. Calm down.." and before I knew it, someone spoke at our back.

"Too much lies to cover up. This time you won't make any excuses.. Sandy.."


I bit my lower lip and slowly turn my gaze to the guys.


"Surprise?" but his face didn't turn into any expression. They just stood there, without any reaction. They seems bored and all...or mad?

"Nu'est.. You, you've been chasing us?" Unnie asked, stuttering.

"It doesn't matter.. Noona, can I talk to you?" Ren said and gave us a serious face..


"Not here.. I want it to be private.. Can we go somewhere?" before she could utter a word, Ren pulled her away from us. Jr sat in front of me without any word. The rest, they just stood there.



Aron pulled another chair and sat in my side. Minhyun and Baekho went to the counter, and I think, to order something?

"Sandy, why aren't you answering our calls? What's the reason why you're hiding from us?"

"It's just that... I don't want to be in trouble.." I answer, a bit unsure.. I don't even know my reason.. Something's reason that I can't say. I'm afraid, but I don't know why..

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