Chapter 5- That's what friends are for

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Chapter 5: That’s what friends are for

“Hello, Sandy? How are you? Guess what, Ren and Baekho accompanied me and took good care of me. They are all so funny especially Ren, he’s so cute!!” Ria unnie said happily. Hearing her voice with full of happiness, makes me become better.

“Plus, they gave me an album!! Take note, it’s special edition!!!” Unnie added., “Hello, Sandy are you there?”

“Oh, y- yes.. Mianhe”

“What’s wrong? Are you…crying?” Unnie asked worriedly

“No, I’m not!! I just… I just can’t…” I can’t finish my sentence because I already burst out crying. She comfort me and made me strong.

“Tell me, what happened? Unnie asked again as I stop from crying.

“Me and Aron Oppa…just fight…It’s his fault not mine…”

“Sigh, I guess it’s your first time to fight. You know you cannot be exempted to experience that. In all relationship, it’ll always be. That’s why you two need to be strong.” Unnie said.

“What should I do then?” I asked

“First, you need to give him a second chance. Then, try to start over again. Simple as that.”

“It’s hard, unnie..”

“No, it’s not. If you love him then you’ll give him a chance. Sandy, Aron is an idol so there’s a possibility that it’ll happened again. Just try to understand him. I know he really loves you. Give him a chance, ne? It’s late now, let’s talk tomorrow..”

“Ne~ Gomawo unnie.. I’ll do what you said, Good night..” I hang- up and lie in my bed. I wonder what Aron oppa is doing right now…


“Aron hyung, where did you go?” I asked playfully at him. He didn’t even look at me and just passed me and goes to his room. That’s strange, he’s not snob and he always welcome me with a wide smile every time I greeted him. He seems to be mad, but I don’t have any idea. I shook my head and walked to the kitchen. I was about to go to the fridge when I notice Hyung’s phone at the table. I scan it and I accidentally read Sandy’s message 3 hours ago.

“Well, I think I need to go to Hyung..” I said to myself. I knocked to his room and he open it. With that face, I already know that he has a problem.

“Can I come in?” he nodded his head. I began to step and when I’m in his room I sat on the edge of his bed.

“What now JR. I’m tired so please don’t be so noisy..” he begged. I look at him in the eye.

“Hyung, tell me your problem..”

“Huh? But I don’t have any..” he denied. You can’t fool me Aron hyung.

“Seriously, come on say it.. I’ll just keep it a secret..”  I saw him sighed in annoyance but I kept asking.

“Why can’t you just go? Don’t mind my business..” He said, looks so irritated

“I don’t want to..” I stuck my tongue out at him. He scratches his head in frustration and gesture me to go out as he opens the door. He rolled his eyes when he saw me smirking and began pulling me out on his room.

“Aish, just go!!”

“Why don’t you just say it? You know hyung, you should be the one who say sorry because first of all, it’s your fault too. Remember Sandy is a girl. She’s a girl so be careful, she might lose to you. And if that happens, I’ll make sure that she’s not gonna love you anymore.” I warned as I exited his room, smirking.

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