Chapter 8- The innocent smile

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Chapter 8- The innocent smile


I look around to find Sandy but failed. It can’t be, she’s here a minute ago.. Where did she go? Ugh, I hate this girl… I hate being with this girl and I want to see Sandy. She’s irritating. The way she smile, laugh, talk…everything!! I wish I’m with Sandy than this girl who actually spend a lot of time to put some make- up on her face. Compare to Sandy she’s nothing. She’s a kind of girl who’s very simple in terms in dressing, probably lack of fashion but I like the way she is.. Her beauty seems to glow every time she smile so innocently…that’s why I fell to her, that smile kills me.

“Aron hyung?” Baekho snaps out my thought and wave to get my attention..”Sam isa worried about you..”

I look at Baekho and he pointed the girl,”She likes you, hyung… But Sandy is better haha.. Oh speaking of Sandy where is she?” he whispered.

“I don’t know… I’ll –“ a girl came up and block my way..

“Aron Oppa, here.. You haven’t eat yet so I get this for you~” I stared at her, and the chocolate in her hand.

“I don’t like eating much chocolate, sorry..” I said, not wanting to hurt her feelings

“Oh, you’re Sam, right?” suddenly Ren appeared in my back and rushed to Sam. He gave me a weak smile, saying that ‘let me handle this’..

“Let’s go, Sam.. I’ll treat you one stuff toy!” Sam giggled and pulled Ren to the store. Ugh, that girl…


“Aish..” Ren hissed. Baekho frown at him,”What’s the matter?”

“That Sam…. I said I’ll treat her ONE stuff toy but she kept annoying me to buy her five stuff toys so I have no choice..” Ren finally said. I patted him at the back.

“Hyung, aren’t you going to find Sandy?”

“Oh, yes!! I almost forgot.. See you!!” I was about to hit myself when I forgot sbout Sandy. Without waiting for a respond, I hurriedly run to find her..

“Wait, Aron hyung!!”  they shouted together but I kept running until I found someone sitting at the bench alone in the middle of the couples.

“What a nice surrounding..” I teased as I saw her sitting at the bench in the middle of the couples..

“Oh, you’re there..” she smiled.

I awkwardly sat on a bench beside her.. looking at the side.


There’s an awkward silence between us.. I don’t know, what should I say? Without noticing, he wrapped his arms around my shoulder..

“Hey, what are you doing?” I asked, shock.

“I missed you..” he whisper under my ears.

“Missed me…that fast?”

“Sorry for leaving you..” he stated. I stared at him in the eye.

“Hey, what do you think about the girl?”

“Huh?” he quizzically look back at me.. “Sam? You know her?”

“Of course I am… You…you don’t remember her?” he shook his head. I sighed and a smile plastered in my face

“Samantha…. She-“ I was cut off by his sudden action.

“Sam is the short term of Samantha.. Aish, I didn’t even notice it..” he scratches his head in annoyance..

“Yeah, she is Samantha.. When I went to the bathroom, she followed me and warned me that I shouldn’t go near to you…to NU’EST ever again.. Also, she said that she’ll definitely make you fall in love with her..” I said..

“She’s so irritating and….even Ren hates her..” Aron said, not  so loud..

“Let’s go somewhere.. She’s following us..” I looked at the left side, smirking as I saw Samantha..”There she is..” I pointed out but not noticeable.

“Ok, let’s go..” he then stood up in his seat. I nodded in agreement and started walking to a long hallway. I pulled him when I saw some kiddie store.

“Oppa, should we buy a couple keychain?” I asked as I handed a chopper in my hand..”What do you think?”

“Sure. Let’s see….” I watched him as he search for some keychains. “Aha!”

He showed me some random key chains but one caught my attention. I snatches it in his hands.

“This looks great, oppa..” I check to see the full view of it.. It’s a couple duck with a small heart on the side. It looks cute

“A duck?” he asked, confuse.

“Yup, why? You don’t like it?” I pouted at him. He hurriedly shook his head.

“No, it’s not like that… But, do I look like a duck to you? You should pick up the one who reminds me…”

“But I like it.. Aron Duck.”

“Aron… What?”

“Haha, nothing… I said, it reminds me of your surname.. Come on, let’s buy it..” I looked at him with my puppy eyes. I hope it’ll work..

“Alright.. Alright… Give me that, I’ll pay..” he then goes to the counter.

After that, I drag Aron to the street foods. As we stared at the food, our stomach continues to growled. We ate all the food we desire- ice cream, cotton candies, popcorn, kimchi and many more… We enjoy our food trip which lead us to some stomach ache…. And it goes like, we needed to go to the bathroom…


Hi, uhm…. 5 more chapters, I think? But yeah, something like that hehe…

Wait for my next update, okay? Hope you're with me in the remaining chapter of this story :)

Bye- bye^^

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