Chap 15(FINALE PArt 3)

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He's staring at us, while catching our breaths in a long run. Jr lend us some bottle of water and it's like it only passed down in my throat like a wind.

"Relatives?" asked the Doctor. We shock our heads together and he then glare back to the patient. "When will his relatives come?"

"I already contact them and they said they'll be here in an hour." Jr answer back. I turn to look at Aron, who's still uncertain on what's going on. He didn't say anything, just staring at us as if we're weird.

"Jr... Is it true?" Ren suddenly asked which I don't get. I look at them questioningly, and saw Baekho held his head.

"You didn't tell her?" was all he said, still annoyed. I look again to the two boys.

Ren scratches his head. "We tried, but we just can't.. Sorry Sandy."

"Wait, what's going on? Is Aron not well?" as I mention his name, he instantly ask.

"Aron? Isn't that me? You said my name's Aron." He pointed Baekho and Jr, for he was saying on what they've talked about a while ago. My world stop as I here it. Slowly but surely, I know exactly what they are trying to say. Afraid, I tried to asked them just to make things clear.

"Is.... Aron can't remember anything?" no one answered back, but the Doctor confirmed it.

"Yes, he has temporary amnesia."


I'm on the side of his bed, with my hands intertwined in my forehead. I can't digest anything.. What's happening to us now that it's like there's someone who's controlling us?

"Sandy we're very sorry." They pleaded. We're on his room talking. He's fast asleep now.

"It's okay, I'm not mad.. It's just... Why is this happening? Why Aron? Why not me?"

"Stop asking for more questions. We can't change it anymore. You're stressing yourself."

"But what should I do then?"

I stared at him again. Where should I start?

"Try to give him everything. This time, it's your turn. He's been protecting you for a long time, why won't you try to protect him now?"

I know I have so many things to do for him. He may did something bad to me in the past, but it's clear that he didn't intentionally do that. But despite of that he promised me to protect me to pay for everything he did to me. The sufferings, my parent's death, and by leaving me.. All those things were in the trash. I forgave him and ask to start a new life again with him. Without blaming each other for worst, and just by pursuing our dreams. Our relationship is quite unstable because most of the time he's busy doing his work and there's a time that there's no place for me. Thank God I finally realize on how I should act from it. It's not about having much time for each other, it's about how you truly believe your love one if he or she's far from you. That's how our relationship works. I may experience being hurt, but who I am to be exempted? If we love, we still hurt. We are humans.

This is another part of our relationship. I just need to be strong.. This time, I'm the one to hold on. This time, I'm the one who should suffer.. If he lost his memories like a small paper scattered on the busy street, then I'm willing to pick all of it and gather all the papers back to the owner..


"Okay... Let's go?" asked Jr before holding the doorknob.


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