Special Chapter

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(Last chapter)

Aron's Point of View

I never been happy in my entire life. I never expect to feel contented on what I have now.. It's just... surreal.

Sandy came and offer her love to me, which I didn't expect at all.. I thought it'll be my wildest dream to have her in my arms again. But you see, she's here.. I can hold her and claim her now. She's my greatest gift, and even if there's another challenge we need to face, I know we can pass through with it because we have faith with each other.

No one can separate us again... No one can ever stop our love. I don't know what to do anymore if she'll be gone. I might lose my mind. I might end up breaking.

No one knew except my family knew what happened when I left Sandy after the accident. Mom and dad choose to hide the truth because they don't want to remember such bad nightmare.

When I woke up and realize that I'm not familiar with my room-it's because right after I lost consciousness we flew to America-I had a nervous breakdown. I can't eat, talk and go out of my room. Every night a single dream haunt me. Every day I felt incomplete. And yeah, my life became dull since then...

"Sandy?" One day I hallucinate and saw her apparition. She's standing at the doorway, hands close into fist with a weary look.

Her eyes were full of tears, and then she turn around.

"S..San-dy.. San..dy. Don't go. Please, dont go..."

I kept reaching her with my weak hands, eyes blurry because of tears. She didn't stop, and so is my heart that is breaking.

My Sandy. Don't leave me.

When I learned that Sandy's still alive with the help of my cousin, Ashley, I did my best to go back. I got the feeling that something bad might happen so I talked to my closest cousin to take care of her for a while. It's wonderful because I've met this four crazy yet trustworthy guys whom I treasure a lot. We crossed each path in a different way, and made our friendship stronger as years go on. And then when we finally had the courage, we formed a group.

I must say that I can't leave without her. She's been my own oxygen.. The air I breathe. I don't wanna lose her. I need her just like how she needs me.. We're too dependent with each other.

I stirred as I felt a hand to my cheek. I didn't open my eyes and savour her touch.

"Aron.." Sandy breaths. "Thank you."

No. Thank you.

"Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for saving my life... If it's not you, I don't think I can make it.." I slowly open my eyes and met her gaze. Once again, I got mesmerize to her innocent beauty. "You're awake."

"Yes, my dear wife.." I smirk as I felt a different feeling as I call her my wife. Yes, we're married. Last year, actually..

"Good morning."

I gave him a peck on the lips. "Good morning, pretty."

If you're wondering what happened for a year, then I'll gladly tell you everything.. After I recover from lying on the bed, Sandy never left me. She helped me remember again and show me how important I am to her. Last year was a tiring year. It tests our courage to hold on to our relationship and luckily, we end up just like this.

"Is it still hurt?" I asked her. Again, she blushed and dig her face to my neck to hide her reddish face. I laughed.

We just made... love. I don't even know why I felt awkward to say this but yeah.. We just did it.. several times actually. If you are wondering why Sandy's still not pregnant, it's because I've waited for her to be ready. I don't want to push her out. I want her to enjoy and make this memorable. I respect her decisions so I'm willing to wait even if it takes forever. Being a patent is not easy anyway.

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