Chapter 10- I understand..

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Chapter 10- I understand..


It’s been a month since me and Sandy always ignore each other. I thought we can still hold on our relationship but it’s too late. I hope we’ll not end up like this.. It’s because of Samantha. I never thought how things just happened. She’s a mean, brat girl who always try anything just to get what she want. In short, he ruined our relationship. It’s Saturday and I have an appointment to meet Sandy in the Café. But then, Samantha showed up and attack Sandy. After that, many fans hate Sandy for some misunderstanding and I can’t do anything for her…

Since then, Sandy doesn’t want to listen or talk to me. She always hang-out with Ren, that’s why I felt a little jealous to him.

“Aron..” I timidly tilted my head to look who just called, I’m tired for my deepest thought. My eyes grew wide as I saw Sandy.

“S-Sandy…” I stood up and face her.

“Let’s talk..” she said in a cold voice. I nodded and followed her.


“What are we talking about?” I asked, breaking the silence between us

“Aron… I’m tired.” She said. I looked back at her and nodded. “Okay, let’s stop for a rest.” I was about to sit in the nearest bench when she stop me

“No.. That’s not it.. I mean, let’s end our relationship. I think it is the best way, especially to you.. Many fans were mad at you.. And it’s all because of me..” she ignore looking at me in the eye. Maybe she’s afraid in me. My reaction, I want to punch someone.. I can’t believe she finally got tired of our relationship. I thought there’s no giving up. She said we’ll be strong forever. But then, she’s asking me to end up?

“That’s it? You’re breaking up with me?” I was in a frown. She’s joking right..

“Yeah.. It’s final… Let’s break up..” I carefully look at her, she seems to not so affected. Well, maybe she hates me now..

“Fine..” I let out a big sigh..”If that’s what you want..”

I left her alone in the park. There’s no point of staying with her. She doesn’t feel anything from me..


He didn’t know everything.. He shouldn’t judge me like that.. He didn’t know how much I suffer just to convince myself. I thought he’ll understand. I thought he’ll protect me. I already told him that if ever there’s a time we needed to end our relationship, we’ll continue to look for each other, protect each other, as a friend. But, all I can see id full of madness. Either friendship is no longer with us.

I cried back then when he leave me in the park. I know it hurts but we’re the same. That’s fair to us. There’s no point of keeping our relationship if someone still continue to go between us. I think, I made a right decision..

“Sandy… You’re spacing out again..” Unnie snapped out my thoughts. She looks so concern as she kept staring at me.

“Please Unnie, don’t look at me like that..” I begged

“Hey, don’t waste food! You haven’t eaten a thing…” she gets my spoon and aims to put it in my mouth.

“I don’t feel like eating..” I said, husky

“Sigh, I don’t want you to be like that, and I’m sure he feel the same too..” Unnie blurted out

“But, there’s no choice!! It is the only way!!” I held out my mouth when I realize that I was in a shout.

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