Chap 14(Final Part 1)

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The Night.

Sandy's POV

She stood there, staring carefully as I step back.

I somehow felt the tension between us. She started to walk over to me.


She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Yes, I'm the one who's following you."

"Why?" I clench my fist to control myself. I need to get out of here or else I might collapse any minute. It's not about I hate her presence, it's just, I'm afraid of what she'll going to say to me.

But the next thing she did surprised me. She sob in front of me. She's crying as if the world became unfair to her. I wanted to console her, but who I am to say that? I felt like, I'm the reason of her tears.

"Do you know what I did for the last five years? Do you know how much I work hard just to prove I'm better than you? You have no idea what I became! You ruined everything!" she continue to yell at me and I can't do anything but to cover my mouth as tears continue to flow in my eyes.

"The time when fans got mad at you, I went to him. I told him I can be better than you, that I can give him all you can't give. But what did he say to me? 'Get lost!' he said he don't need me because it is you who he love.."

"I'm sorry.."

"I choose to be his slave just to have money. I'm desperate to get Aron from you so I didn't think of myself anymore even if it means of ruining my life.. I ignore all the pain, I let him beat me, treat me like a slave and let that American guy stole my first to fulfill what he want. In my reward, I received money.. But it's all useless now... Aron still choose you over me."

God, what have I've done to make her like this..

"I'm too jealous when Aron tried so hard to protect a pathetic girl like you. You're not worth for him that's why I came with a conclusion to steal him from you. I'm too confident with myself that I can able to get what I want so I tried my best.  And now, Even James chooses you over me. He abandoned me and told me I'm a pathetic wretch, gold digger, desperate girl, anything! Until now it was you!" she grab my shoulders carefully and I felt a small pain. "Why do you have to steal everything to me? Aren't you happy that you have Aron now? Why won't you answer me?"

Jealousy won't make us... It'll give us another reason to stress ourselves. As for Sam's case, she's poisoned by it. I don't know what to say...

I flinch again as she harden her grip.

"That's nothing compare to my sufferings." She told me and slowly, she loosen her grip. "Why won't you say anything?" and she fell in her knees, still crying. "You're enjoying my misery, right? You won, from the start I am the loser here.. No one loves me.."

"Samantha stand up." I tried pulling her up but failed. She's still crying. She's like a lost puppy now. I ruined her. Even if I didn't intend to do it, it's still count as my fault.

Looking at her, I finally realize she has so many scratches all over her body.

"Oh, no.. Are you alright? This looks painful-" she pulled her arms from me and I earn a glare. "Stop! Don't ever touch me!"


"And don't ever say my name!"

"Please let's fix this!! Don't just end here, you never become alone.. It's just, you're too blinded. Try opening your eyes in your surroundings. Just try. You can see the other side of the world..."

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