Chapter 3- It Can't be

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Chapter 3- It Can’t be

Aron’s POV

“Hyung!! Where did you go? We’re worried!!” Ren frowned as he welcome me with a hug

“I went to Sandy..” I said. They widen their eyes in shock

“Why?” I question them, I don’t really get why they act like that.

“Uh… Aron hyung, about that.. Did you really go out with Sandy?” Baekho asked me, I nodded innocently. Didn’t they hear what I just said?

“You really do?!” They shouted at the same time.

“Problem? And why are you all act li-“ I was cut off when JR showed me the news in his iPad titled, ‘NU’EST Aron spotted dating with a girl’.

“What the..” I grab the iPad on his hand and scan the whole news, there’s a lot of fan taken photos of me and Sandy. Luckily, there’s no picture of us when we are in the car but it’s not the big problem. Looks like Sandy need to hide or else… Aish, I’ve been very selfish, it’s my fault if Sandy get hurt..

“Hyung, Sandy need to be careful or else the fangirls will attack her. I think Sandy is not aware about the news.” As I listen to Minhyun’s concern, I hurriedly dial Sandy.

“Aish, network busy..” I angrily hang- up and manage to leave a message. But I can’t just calm so I plan to go to her for sure..

“I’ll come too!” Ren block my way, I nodded hesitantly and rushed to the exit but manager suddenly showed up

“Aron, let’s talk..” His big voice makes me shiver. He go out first and before I followed manager I stared at them, especially JR who you can really trust in this situation. JR nodded his head, giving me a signal that he understand. As I swung the door close, manager stood up in front of me. With his face, I already knew that he’s mad..

“Are you thinking? How can you fix what you’ve done? Your fangirls will continue to asked about that..”

“I- I’m sorry-“

“Enough, I need to talk to the CEO now. Aish, you’re giving me hard time.. I’ll just think of some excuses, but before that, didn’t I reminded you all that you’re not allowed to date someone? It might destroy your popularity if you continue to date her. It’s the only way Aron, for NU’EST sake. Go break up with her..”

That’s what I was thinking before I plan to be a singer, I don’t want to ruin our relationship because of that. I can’t just break up with her, I promise I won’t hurt her feelings no matter what happens.. Manager raised an eyebrow, waiting for my answer..

“I won’t break up with her, sorry” I decided to fight our relationship, we can still hide it and the fans didn’t have any proof that Sandy is my girlfriend. I watch manager hyung as he scratches his head while staring at me in shock.

Sandy’s POV

I got bored in the hotel so I decided to go to the bookstore. I started looking for some books to read. But I feel uncomfortable every time I cross with the group of girls. I manage not to mind them so I continue to scan the books. As I went to the counter, a group of girls came and block my way.

“Aren’t you the girl that Aron oppa just dated?”

“You look so simple… and ugly..”

“Yeah, she’s not special at all. Hmm, maybe we just misunderstood them. Aron oppa just pity her.” They continue to circled me and plays with my hair. I avoid looking at their kin eyes because it’s scary.. They look like a cat that can hurt me any moment. And how did they- wait, Oh no I’m in a big trouble now

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