Chapter 11- This isn't Goodbye

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A/N: Sorry guys for the long wait! I'm so busy these days so I haven't take some time to upload but then I tried and tried at least write every single of my story and yes, haha finally I finished it.. Hope you like this chapter~

Chapter 11- This isn't Goodbye


I froze and look back at the voicce coming from behind and shockingly, I saw Unnie's unusual face. She's mad. "U-Unnie? Wha-what's up?" I stuttered. Seriously, my Unnie is so scary

This is my first time to saw her like that. She must have some problems..

"What are you doing here?" she asked. I scratches my head and looked back at her..


I heard her sighed.

"You are supposed to be in Airport right now to tell your last goodbye. It's pretty long after you can able to see them again.. Are you out of your mind?"

I smiled bitterly and shook my head."No. I'm fine.."

"Aish.." Unnie grab my arms and started pulling me down to the nearest bus stop. She ignore all of my complains and continue to pulled me as we reach the bus.. We both keep in silence.

"Unnie." I started, she timidly look at my side, seeing her teary eyes drawn on her kind face.

"I'm gonna miss them. Even if we just met for a short time. This feeling keeps bugging me until I sleep. I'm gonna miss them and I know you feel this way too. Especially you've met them for a long time. I know you're just pretending but deep inside you want to be with him, right?" her words echoes behind my ears. Did I just act what Unnie says? I don't really know. I was actually fine after Aron told me about their plan but, why is it so different now? Do I have to feel this? I have many questions that I don't even know how to answer.. I can't figure out what the answer could be..

"Unnie..." I called out. This time I feel like crying but I hold on before it will fall.


"I'm so sorry.." as the word came up in my mouth, a hot liquid finally falls down in my cheeks.." They won't leavve if I didn't got into trouble. They should be here if I didn't stuck myself out of them. The one who should blame is no other than me.."

"Sandy! How many times do I have to tell you  that you shouldn't blame yourself. Don't put yourself down in this kind of situation. See? They are currently resolving it, and the point is, it's not your problem.. You're not the one who puts NU'EST in this.. Look, just don't take all tyhe responsibilities by yourself. It's not your fault and I'm sure they won't blame you as you think.. Let's say, the fans think that it's your responsibility, but as a fan too, you have the right.. You have the right to be happy... No one can snatch that from you... Only you, you are very lucky.. And I'm very lucky to meet you.. I'm here and I won't leave you.. Let's stay forever, okay?"

"Thanks Unnie! I'm so glad I have you... I don't have families to stay on, but then you are here to comfort me as my true big sister... You really means a lot to me, and I will definitely love you until the end.. I don't know what would happen to me when I lost you... Thank you very much.." I hug her more tightly as if she will be gone in a moment. I want to give all my love to her as a friend, and as a family even though it'll take a long time.. I want my Unnie safe, and happy too.. 

"So, stop crying okay? Were on the way to them, just wait a little longer.." she wiped my face using her hands and smile. My draw dropped, my Unnie is very pretty!!


When we both reach the Airport, we saw lots of fangirls scatterd around to glimpse at NU'EST. We both wear a hat and excuse ourselves to make a way in the nearest place..

Far enough I saw NU'EST, making their way and waving at the fans for the last time, then I saw Aron. My heart keeps pounding so fast like it'll burst. I hurriedly slide my hands in my pocket and dialed him. He stopped and I saw his shock expression as he stared at his phone. He was about to answer it but I hurriedly hang-up.. The truth is.....I don't have much load for a call.

I didn't waste any time and took that chance to approach him. I run as fast as I could at her back and enveloped him with a hug.


"Please don't leave me." I tightened. He held my hand but I didn't remove my hug to him.

"...Sandy, i thought we already talk about it. Why it has to change? You said it's okay.." his voice gently warm my mind. I'll miss his voice, I'll miss everything about him..

"I can't. I realize that I can't. I need you, oppa please don't go. I can't lose you this time.."

He twirl me around to face him."Sandy listen.. I won't go anywhere.."


"I mean, I still be going.. What I mean is, I'm always in your heart. Just wait.. I'll be back to you.."


"No more complain.." he held my hands were the ring that he gave placed."This is the proff that you already said yes to my proposal. Keep that and I'll look for it when I came back.." he lifted my hand and kissed it passionately. There were so many noise around us, probably the fan's cry, even some mean words. He patted me at the head, and gave his warm smile for the last time. We stared for a moment and Baekho just pulled Aron away from me.

"Hehe, sorry... I'll cut that out for a while. Let's save for our arrival. Wait, okay? Bye! Thake care.." Baekho said, planning not to hug me but he rushed to me and gave me his full hug..

Next is, Ren who seems to cry all night 'cause you can see his reddish eyes crept in his handsome, but pretty face. He hug me and again, he cried.. I rub his back to comfort me then when he releases, he rushed to Unnie who's currently crying.. Then JR approaches me and hug me also, he whispered in my ears and I swear I won't forget it.. It reminds me of my past.. I was amazed at Minhyun who's smiling so contagious. I hug him and he lifted me in the air.

"Yaah! Minhyun-ah!!! Put me down!!!" I cried, I'm afraid of the heights

"Haha, I'll tell you about us so you don't need to worry.." he told me. I nodded happily. The next thing I knew is, my Unnie is surrounded with the five gorgeous guys. I looked at them in awe, then, Aron look at me as if he's saying something. Something that I don't really get.

He remove his gaze when we both met our eyes for the second time. They also hug the crying fans and keep saying"Gwenchanayo" while Unnie is still in Ren's hug. Aw, just sweet..

Then Seongsaengnim(referring to NU'EST's manager) came and gestures them to go. You can clearly see the disappointment face of them. They finally gave their final goodbye to us.. 

As I watched them walking, I admit, I was in the state of shock. But, I just wait as they said.. Also, the one that JR said to me is right.. But then, I won't give up... I'll wait.... For Aron..

This isn't a Goodbye...

A/N: Hi again!! As you can see, Sandy calls NU'EST's manager as Seongsaengnim which means Teacher.. I'll tell more about what the manager thought to Sandy in the next xhapter... But I don't have any particular date, so stay with me, okay? Thanks to all who's reading it until now especially for those who read my first Book "Jinshil".. I love you guys~

Let's be friends 'till the end!! Oh sorry for my typos! I was supposed to review for my first quiz tomorrow so, I can't stay so long.. Thanks again! Take care~

This has been Mia :)

- pomiRon

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