Chapter 9- Everyone is in a rush

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Chapter 9- Everyone is in a rush

“Sandy, can you hasten your step? I’m hungry..” Minhyun whined, pulling my left hand.

“Why do I need to join you at breakfast? I want to sleep more..” a frown drawn in his face as he put his hand in his waist. I then bent down in my knees and pouted.

“Get up or I’ll carry you..” he warned, offering his hand. I just stuck my tongue at him. He smirk and in just a minute, I found myself being carried by the strong arms. “Y-Yaah! Mi-Minhyun!! Put me down!!!!”


“Hey, what took you so long?” Aron asked as he opens the door, rubbing his eyes..

“She almost kill me, she’s so heavy..” Minhyun said with a laugh. I glared at him.

“Really? Sandy, you’re heavy?” Aron asked me

“NO I’M NOT!!” I yelled back, desperately. They both put their hand to cover their ears.

“Hey!! The three of you, breakfast is readyyy~~” Ren called out for meal.


“Ta-dah~~ I made a delicious soup!!” Baekho proudly show off his cook.

“Lemme taste first!” Minhyun rushed to get some spoon. We watch him, especially Baekho as he scoop.”How is it?”

“It’s good~”

“YES!!” Baekho jumped and do the victory dance. This brat, is this his first time to be praise on his cook?

“Let him be, it’s his first time..” Ren said, look so annoyed but at the same time, smiling. I handed some spoon and sip a little amount of his soup.

“Hmm, not bad but-“ I was cut off when Baekho immediately stop and glared at me, looking at me evilly.. “But… I think we need to go because it’s already past 9am!!” I shouted as I look at my watch.

“You all eat. I’ll go first to the bathroom..” Aron was about to step but Ren stop him..”Hold on, hyung. JR is still there..”


“30 minutes before 10am…. Guys faster!!” I shouted, grabbing the plate in Minhyun’s hand.”Go take a bath now, I’ll finish it..” He nodded, running to his room to get his dress. After that, I watch him as he goes to the bathroom.

“Yaah!! Who’s in the bathroom!!!” Baekho cried as he run back and forth in the living room.

“It’s Minhyun, why?” Aron raised an eyebrow

“Minhyun!! For Pete’s sake let me use it now!! Please have pity on me. I want stole your headphone nor your pillow.. Just make it fast!!” he scratches the door that makes an uneven sound.

“Y-Yaah! Stop that Baekho..” I lean closer to him..”What’s wrong?”

“SANDY!!” Baekho rushed to me..”I need to use the bathroom or else…”

“Or else?” I quizzically look at him then, realize what he’s going to say.

“Omo, Minhyun hurry up! Baekho really need to use it.. Just make it fast before he could release a smell!!!” I shouted to the door, hearing the boys’ laughter. Now we have a crying Baekho in front of us… The door swung open, revealing Minhyun’s wet look. I quickly remove my gaze to him, he looks so hot..

“Oh, you’re out!” Baekho, being too stubborn, rushed to the bathroom to do his business. Then again, they laugh so loud. I turn to look at the others..”So, what’s your plan?”

“Oh, we need to get ready!!” they shouted at the same time. I watch them as they catch the time. The two boys still need to take a bath while Minhyun, JR, and Ren just need to fix their selves. Ren began shouting at Aron who took his shoes but he kept denying it. Baekho finally got out in the bathroom so Aron took this opportunity to escape from Ren.

“Uh..REN!!! Is this your shoes?” JR suddenly asked, waving the shoes in the air,”What is this doing in my drawer?”

“Oh, thanks.. Kill Aron hyung for that..” Ren snatches the shoes in JR’s hand and hurriedly put it on.

Finally, they are all set. Ren’s black V-neck t-shirt makes him more sexier as he paired up in white skinny jeans. His light make-up was perfect with his soft blonde hair that is tied in one, clearly showing his manly features. Bakho looks so masculine with his sleeveless dress. He paired it up with a sunglasses. JR simply wear a thick tshirt and a black skinny jeans. His eyes were perfectly shine as he wave his hair. Aron was wearing a white t-shirt inside and a leather jacket. He simply wear a cap. Then I saw Minhyun, wearing a red and black- shoulder length t-shirt.  He’s good with an eyeglasses.

You can actually notice that they are too fashionable. I can’t even imagine myself to be with these five guys that are awesome in terms of fashion. I check myself and felt something pitiful. How can I became their friend? Look at me, wearing a worn out rubber shoes with a simple dress and a skinny jeans. I look to see Ren’s kissable lips. I jealously stared to it as I touch my dry lips. How can he be so pretty?

“”Hyung, get Sandy now.. We’re late!!” I heard them. I was about to go but Aron stop me.

“Wait!!” Aron bent down and fix my untied shoelaces. After that, he held my hand and we both go to the van.

As I notice someone, my heart started to skip a beat. I nervously bowed at their manager, not knowing what I should say..

He quickly remove his hat and stared at me in a minute. I gulped and clenched my fist. I was shocked when he lean in and hug me. I don’t know, but, smile drew on my face. The boys laugh.

“Good Morning… So, let’s go..” NU’EST's manager said as he smile so bright at me. Then, he patted Aron at the back. I thought he’ll scolded me for joining them but instead, he hug me.. Isn’t that great? I don’t really know how to explain…but one thing came up in my mind…

He’s not mad….and he likes me..


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