Chapter 7- Jealously strikes

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Chapter 7- Jealously strikes

When I got back to the hotel, I hurriedly lie on my soft bed, digging as I cuddle my big pillow around me. Suddenly, I heard a couple of knocks in my door. I whined at myself and timidly open it. My expression turned into a frown as I saw the five boys grinning at me.

“W- Why are you all here?” I asked in shock while pointing them.

“We’re here to play!! Just kidding~” Ren said, smiling at me.

“Aren’t you all tired? You are supposed to be resting!” I blurted out, wanting to sleep as early as I can.

“Tired? We don’t know what it means..” Baekho joked. I rolled my eyes and gesture them to come in. No choice, I can’t just let them stay at the door side.

They brought some DVD’s to watch on, thank God it’s not horror.

“I’ll make some snacks..” I said as I excuse myself to the kitchen. JR followed and help me to prepare.

“Sandy, may I ask?” JR said

“Oh, sure. What is it all about?”

“How long will you staying in this hotel? I mean, it’s very expensive. Why don’t you stay with us again?” he suggested. I shook my head.

“Uhm, thank you but I don’t want to.. I don’t want to stick out with you guys. I’m fine here, also I have some money..” I said, ignoring his gaze.

“Is that so? Come on Sandy.. We want you to stay with us..” this time JR is pouting. Is this JR? I haven’t seen him pouting.

“I’m really sorry.. But we can still see each other, right?” I sighed.

“Well, I guess I can’t force you.. Fine, just make sure you’ll visit us everyday..” he smiled

“Okay, is that what you want..” I smile back at him. The truth is, I really want to be with them but, I can’t. It’s better to stay here than to stick myself to them again.

“Wew~ sooo many foods! Hey Sandy, you don’t mind if I stole some milk in the fridge, right?” without my respond, he rushed to the kitchen and get some milk.

“Yah! It’s mine. You buy for your own. I spend my own money for that!!” I keep chasing him but he’s too cunning to dodge every time I try to snatch the milk on his hand.

“Baekho, I want milk too~” Ren whined like a kid to Baekho who’s panting hard after running. Ren rushed to Baekho and sip a little amount to his drink.

“Yummy~ I want my own.. Can I get one?” Ren asked him. Baekho nodded, as if he owns the fridge.”Yehey!!” Ren jumped happily and stole some of my milk.

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