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I put the bouquet of flowers in the upper side of the grave. I dust off the surroundings and sat to the grass. After I visit my parent's grave I went over to say hello.

"How are you? It's been a while, many things happen to us.. You know, you should be here with me. If God had given you a chance I'm sure we'll be happy." I once look at her grave, with tears in my eyes. I smiled and looked at the cloudy sky.

"I just want you to know that I didn't hate you from the start. I forgive you, so do Aron.. So please don't worry about it anymore and enjoy your life with God in the heaven. Continue to look for me, ok? You're my guardian angel, remember that." I stood up and pray before walking away.

I failed to save her. That's why I blame myself to what happened to her. She instantly cut her head and run to her problems. After knowing the truth, with the help of Baekho who promised me to find her, I quickly went to her and saw her pitiful body lying in a bed with some cover in her entire body. I cried so much that time. I cried because it's my fault. But I promise that I'll make my life better for her. She helped me to make Aron remember his past. After seeing her dead body, I never thought Aron would come and pick me. Just when he saw Samantha, and the rest is like a magic.. I thought I'll be losing him too, because he suddenly acts violently and the doctors needed to inject something to calm him down. The next morning I confronted him, and that's the time he told me he can remember anything.

I never realize that she'll be the reason for him to remember. Aron also told me about his thoughts about her. He blame his self for pushing away Sam. But the truth is, we both have a reason to be blamed. It's because we knew her so long, yet we didn't do anything to help her instead, we pushed her away and make her feel that no one ever love her. But despite of that, she has faults too. She became blind and treat me as her enemy.

But now she's my Guardian Angel... It explains it all.

I'm happily married to him. I meant Aron..

September 16, 2016


a/n: Finally, the end.. But wait! There's a special chapter for Aron's POV. :)

Thank you|Kamsahamnida|Arigatou| Xie xie| Salamat| Obrigado

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