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"Em it's not that bad."

I looked at my best friend as I stood in the bathroom cleaning up my blood. I had tears welling up in my eyes.

"I have a fucking busted lip Ari. Blood is all over my shirt. How is it not that bad?"

My best friend Ariel looked at me chewing her cheek.

"Oh! I have an extra shirt in my locker. That might help."

Just as she said that the bell rang. I scoffed at her as I grabbed my bag flinging the bathroom door open, and storming down the hallway.

"How bad is your friend?"

Ariel sighed. "Bad dude. You hit her hard as fuck in the face."

"It was a Football. I thought she was going to duck."

Ariel rolled her eyes at Matt.

"She would have if she seen the damn ball. Matt just do me a favor and leave her alone please. She has never done anything to you and, all you do is bully her. You have know fucking idea what she deals with. SO JUST FUCKING STOP MATT."

Ariel ran out after me. Matt close behind her.


I turned around and looked at Ariel and Matt.

"See you tonight." I yelled at her as I reached my moms car.

I looked over at the car parked beside my mom.

It should be a crime to look that good. Fuck he's hot.

The guy in the car gave me a sexy smile. I looked away almost immediately and jumped into my mom's car. She instantly grabbed my face.

"What the fuck happened? Did someone hit you again?"

I pushed her off of me. "Nothing just gym class mom. It's not that serious."

My mom sighed at me. "Okay well we have dinner with my friend and her sons. They are going to come stay with us for a while."

"Why?" I asked scrunching my face up.

"She just left an abusive relationship. They need somewhere safe to stay. You of all people should understand that."

Touché mom.

I looked at my mom but I didn't say anything. I just nodded my head.

I do. Even though I wouldn't actually admit it to myself.

I looked over at the guy parked beside us and he was looking at me smiling a huge grin.

What the fuck? Why is he smiling at me like that?

After we got home I showered and got dressed. Getting ready for this dinner with these random ass people I had never met before. I grabbed my bag and walked up the stairs.

"You look nice. Party afterwards I'm guessing?"
"Yeah." I answered my mom honestly.

I was wearing this cute dress. It was loose and went to the mid thigh section of my legs. I had on knee high heeled boots that matched. My hair was up in a messy bun. My loose hair ringlets shaping my face.

My mom and me headed to the restaurant.

"Please be nice Emma. She's been through a lot."

We walked inside and we walked up to the table. I plastered a smile on my face.

"Hi I'm Christine. This is my son Oliver. It's nice to finally meet you. You're moms told me so much about you."

I looked at her son.

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now