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Graduation had started. Name after name after name. Ari and me were at the beginning of graduation. We'll sort of I guess.

"Emmalee Davis."

I told him to say Emma. Do not trip Em.

I walked up on the stage and the cheering went wild.


Oliver's cheers made me giggle and smile a little. My cheeks instantly red at the embarrassment. I shook my principals hand and he leaned into the mic.

"I want to take this time to grant Emma her sister Beth's diploma."

The whole place got silent. Tears stinging my eyes.

"Wait are you serious?"
"Yes I'm serious."

The principle grabbed the diploma and handed it to me with a big smile on his face.

"Emma's sister Beth couldn't be here today. Two years ago she was taken way to soon and way to young. A tragic car accident that rippled through this school and this community. Your sister would be so proud of you Emma."

I looked at my principal. I opened the diploma book and Beth's was right there. I had tears running down my face and hugged my principle.

"Thank you."
"She would be proud of you."

I smiled at him and wiped my tears away.

"Let's give a great big round of applause for Beth."

The stadium went wild cheering and clapping. I walked off the stage and took my seat. Beth's picture floated across the stage projector. Followed by pictures from the time of her alive in this school. There was pictures of her, her and me, Ari, Matt, John. Literally everyone. Shortly after a small collection of videos of Beth showed up.

"Emma stop crying. It's okay I promise. Do you want me to beat him up. I will."

I looked at Beth and started laughing. More videos followed.

"Matt I swear if you don't stop bullying my sister I will cut you junk off, then I will mail it to your family."

Matt looked at Beth and his eyes got wide.

"Beth your overreacting. It was nothing."
"Matt you broke her finger."
"Yeah okay that was a bit much I'll apologize. I promise B."

Beth smiled at him.

"Thank you."

More videos of Beth and her friends followed. Her in John's arms. Laughing and kissing him.

"Em look."

I looked over and started laughing as I walked out. She jumped from his arms kissing him and running after me. She ran up and wrapped her arm in mine. Our laughing filling the stadium. Then me at school. Standing in front of her locker. All decorated up with a memorial. Matt walked up and looked up me.


I looked at Matt with tears streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry about Beth. Are you okay?"

Matt looked at me and hugged me. I cried and everyone was just staring at us. Matt hugged me with tears running down his face. I pulled away and I ripped the memorial down walking out of the school.

The video ended and the principle spoke up.

"Emma got into the school her and Beth always dreamed of going to together. Your sister would be beyond fucking proud of you Emma. You've come a long way. Especially this last year."

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now