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I woke up groaning from the pain.

Everything hurts fuck my life.

"Ohhhh fuck."

I slowly crawled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. After I finished peeing. I made my way upstairs. I walked into the kitchen slowly walking and holding my side.

"How's the pain today honey?"

I looked at my mom and whimpered taking a deep breath.

"It's fine. I can hardly tell."

My mom smiled at me. She walked over to me and lightly grabbed my face.

"How's the pain level today?"
"Everything hurts." I answered honestly.
"Your dad should be calling today."

My mom smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"Why did you tell him?"
"Because he's your father. He needs to know Emma."

I sat down and groaned.

"Why so he can tell me how disappointed he is I let a guy hit me."
"Honey. He just expects more from you is all."
"Well he can start expecting shit from Alex and Adam."

My mom sighed and looked at me.

"Your his little girl. I'll make you your coffee and breakfast."

I groaned when I reached in my pocket and my phone wasn't there. I went to go get up but Matt stopped me.

"Where's it plugged in at?"

I looked at Matt. Giving him a what the fuck look.

"Right side of my bed."
"Okay. I'll go get it."

I looked at Matt and uttered thank you to him as I gave a weird look.

Why was he being so nice to me? This wasn't like Matt. This son of a bitch has bullied me my entire life. Now that he feels sorry for me he's being nice. Pfft.

"Hi Emma."

I looked at Matt's seriously hot brother.

"Hi uh. I'm sorry what's your name again?"

He smiled giving me a cocky smile and sucking his teeth as I smiled raising my eyebrow.

"Oh right sorry. I must have forgotten."

I was just starting at him. Oliver was smiling at me and all I could do was take a deep breath and bite my lip.

This game isn't going to end well Emma."

A few minutes later Matt got back to the table and handed me my phone.


Matt leaned over and whispered low enough so only me, him and Oliver could hear.

"Cute vibrator Em."

I looked at Matt tightening my jaw and sighed heavily.

"Your a fucking pig."

Matt grinned and leaned back in his chair.

"I know."

I was looking at Oliver and jumped when my mom put my coffee down. Which made Oliver smile.

"Honey how long has your anxiety been high?"

I looked at my mom and shrugged my shoulders. I took a drink of my iced coffee and I answered my ringing phone.

FaceTime of course.

"Hi daddy."

My dad looked at me and I propped my phone up. My dad gave a deep sigh.

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now