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I hadn't talked to Oliver at all. We had both been completely avoiding each other. I honestly looked like a zombie walking around. I would stay up half the night crying and, eventually cry myself to sleep. I would wake up way to early after falling asleep way to late. I woke up at seven in the morning after falling asleep at five in the morning. I took a shower but honestly it didn't help me at all.

My eyes were still sunk in from lack of sleep and red from my excessive crying. I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. I put my deodorant on and I walked out of the bathroom. I walked into my bedroom and grabbed my bag and phone putting my shoes on.


I answered the face time that jarred me back to my reality.

"Where are you? I can't see you."

I grabbed my phone and walked up the stairs into the kitchen. Oliver was sitting there with my mom and his mom and Matt. I propped my phone up.

"You look like hell Emma."

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my cup.

"Okay. Thanks dad."
"Honey are you okay? Will you please tell me what's going on with you?"
"Nothing dad."

My dad sighed as I kept making my coffee. I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Honey. Your lying. It looks like you haven't slept in a week."
"I slept last night."
"Yeah for how long?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I put my coffee back into the fridge. I grabbed the bottle of liquor on the fridge. Putting it into my bag.

"I don't know like two hours. Why?"
"Emma that's not good. Your going to crash and burn."
"So who gives a fuck."

My dad sighed and I grabbed my coffee heading for the door.

"Did you call me just to fucking lecture me because, frankly I'm good on all that."

I hung up the phone and walked out the door. I got into my car and I drove off. I finished my coffee and I went to the cemetery.

"Hey sis."

I laid in the grass and I opened my bottle. I took a huge gulp chugging down the harsh burn.


I sighed and laid there and looked up at the sky. I started laughing hysterically sitting up. I leaned my back against the tombstone and I took another drink as I started crying.

"I really need you right now."

I stood up and I instantly fell. The liquor was really working against me.

"I'll just stay here."

That's exactly what I did. I stayed at Beth's grave all day long. Throwing up and crying. Once it got dark I stood up again.

Thank god I sobered up.

I got in my car and I drove to the party. I pulled up and I got out of my car. I locked my car up and I walked into the party. I walked straight passed Oliver and everyone and I went straight to the kitchen. I grabbed another bottle and opened it.

I put it to my lips and I started chugging it. I hit the wall and I grabbed onto it to steady myself. I could feel Oliver staring at me.


I looked at Dell and smiled.

"Hi Dell."

Dell smiled at me.

"How about we trade. I get the bottle for the blunt."

I looked at Dell and shook my head no.

"I don't want the blunt thanks though Dell."

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now