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I walked in the house and my moms voice rang out.

"Honey. Can you come here please?"

I sighed and walked into the living room. I walked in looking at her. She looked at me with concern at my red puffy face.

"Are you okay? You've been crying honey. I can tell."
"I'm fine mom. What's up?"

My mom looked at me and nodded.

"Okay well I thought about what you said. Your right. So I unlocked Beth's room. I'll keep it unlocked for a few days. Grab anything you want. Anything you don't take I'm going to donate the rest soon. There is a few empty totes in there. Your right honey. Neither one of us is dealing with her death. We need to. It's fucking destroying you honey."

I looked at my mom and I had tears welling up in my eyes again. I gulped and I bit my cheek looking at my mom.

"Wait really?"

My mom sighed.

"Yeah. I thought about what you said this morning. Your right. It's not fair that I want you to forget her. I know that's not going to happen. Neither one of us is ever going to forget her. However we can find a healthy ways to cope."

I looked at my mom and I nodded my head.

"I'm not apologizing for this morning."

My mom smiled at me.

"Neither am I."

I looked at my mom and I smiled.

"Yeah so Take as much time as you need. Me and Christine are heading out so it'll just be you kids tonight. Please behave yourselves. Please don't go out or get into trouble. Oliver your the oldest. Your in charge."

Oliver nodded his head. I looked at my mom and then I looked at the stairs. I took a deep breath and I walked down the stairs. The walk to her room was honestly extremely slow. My heat was pounding so hard. I felt like I was going to have a fucking heart attach. I finally reached her door I stared at Beth's room.


I looked over at Matt and his latest conquest.

How does he do that? We just got back. Both brothers are players.

"She's new."

Matt smiled at me. He rolled his eyes and the girl blushed.

"What are you doing?"
"None of your business Matt."
"Ohh someone's fucking grumpy today."
"I just don't have time for your shit."

Matt opened his mouth but Oliver cut him off.

"Not tonight Matt. Leave her alone."

My hero.

I looked at Matt and then at Oliver when he walked down the stairs telling Matt to leave me alone. I grabbed the handle and I turned the door knob. I took a deep shaky breath. I slowly pushed the door open and was staring at my sisters room.

Where I spent most of my time up to two years ago. I walked inside and shut the door. I wanted to be alone.

You seen me fall apart once tonight Ollie. You don't get to watch it twice.

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