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"Don't come Emma it's a trap. You fucking know it. Be smart."

My color was drained from my face. I instantly got cold chills. I felt my breath being caught in my chest.

"I will fucking hurt you if you fucking touch him."

Jack smiled at me. He hit Alex again.


Jack hit my brother a few more times. I screamed.

"Do I have your fucking attention Emma."

I looked at Jack and tightened my jaw. He walked back over to Alex.

"YES! YES! YOU HAVE MY FUCKING ATTENTION! please don't hurt him."

Jack looked at me and I could hear Alex groaning. His voice was soft and pain lined it.

"If I get out of these ropes I'm going to kill you!"

Jack smiled at Alex's threat.

"You have ten minutes to get here ALONE! Or I'll call you back and make you watch me kill your fucking brother. Then you can witness both of your siblings dying."

Jack went to hang up the phone.


The line went dead. I screamed and smashed Sabrina's phone. Tears running down my face. I walked over and grabbed Sabrina by her throat and slammed her into the wall. As hard as I possibly could. Sabrina looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"If anything happens to my fucking brother, I will fucking kill you Sabrina. I swear to god!"

Sabrina was crying.

"You hate me. I get it. Emma Jack has went crazy over you. He's a fucking lunatic. I know you hate me and I know you don't believe me but, I do love your brother Emma. I wouldn't hurt him. Look I can't do this alone okay. I wish I could. I need your help. I can't get him out of that house without your help."

I looked at Sabrina and I let her go. I paced back and forth.

"I'm thinking."

I kept pacing a few more times. I stopped pacing and I pulled my hair up into a tight messy bun.

"I'm going to the front. You go to the back. Get him out of the house Sabrina. Even if you hear me screaming. Even if it sounds like he's fucking murdering me do not come back inside. Do not let Alex come back inside. Get him to the hospital."

I paused and sighed. I shrugged my shoulder.

"I can fight jack off. I always have been able to. No matter what you do, get my brother out of that fucking house."
"Are you crazy?"

I looked at Oliver. He had tears in his eyes.  Sabrina nodded her head. I walked over and planted a kiss on Oliver's lips.

"Don't do this baby. You know this is a trap. Jack is going to hurt you."

I looked at Oliver and I sighed.

"He's my brother Oliver. He's all I have left. I have to. You would do the same thing for Matt."

I kissed Oliver again and I yelled out to Ari.

"Call the boys. If I don't come out of the house within ten minutes after my brother walks out send them in."

I looked at Ari. She had tears in her eyes. She ran over hugging me.

"Be careful. Please."

I looked at Ari and bit my lip.

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now