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Oliver wasted no time at all. He put me back down and Ari was smiling and jumping up and down. Oliver smiled and hugged Ari.

"I missed you too Ari."
"Took you long enough jackass."

Oliver grinned rubbing his neck.

"Matt can I see your jacket."

Matt took his jacket off and handed it to Oliver. As his eyebrow was raised. Matt was clearly confused. Oliver put it on my ass and lifted me over his shoulders.

Awe he covered my butt from my dress lift.


I grunted at the movement.

"Ollie put me down."

Oliver smiled and walked away.

"Oliver where are we going?"
"To your house."

I instantly tightened my thighs and Oliver let out a low growl.

"Did you drive?"
"No Ari did."

I flipped my head up using my hand to flip my hair up. My other hand was holding onto his back. Matt and Ari was smiling at us. I started laughing and before I knew it Oliver lowered me into his car shutting his door.

Fuck I've missed him.

Oliver got in the car and he drove off. He put his hand on my thigh and of course I instantly clenched.


I was looking at him and he sighed looking at me.

"We can talk after I make you shake."

His words hit my insides deeply. I tightened my legs and I felt my nipples instantly get hard. Oliver had a playful smile float across his face. He pulled into the driveway and I looked at him.

"How the hell do you know where I live?"

He smiled at me killing his engine and grabbing his keys.

"I followed Matt home one night."

I looked at Oliver and I started laughing. He smiled at me and got out of the car.

"Oh shut up."

I got out and Oliver grabbed my hand. I shut his car door and we walked up the steps. I unlocked my front door and I hung up my keys.

"Where's your room?"

I looked at Oliver and smiled. I grabbed his hand and I led him up the stairs. We walked into my bedroom and I dropped my bags. As soon as they hit the ground Oliver grabbed me. He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into him as his hand held onto my hip.

My hand went straight to his chest and around his back. Oliver was just looking at me. He had tears filling his eyes, as he searched my sad face.

"I missed you so much Emma."

I looked at Oliver and I reached my hand up to his face. I wiped his tear away that was slowly traveling down his face.

Seeing him sad and cry makes me hurt so fucking much.

I looked at Oliver and sighed. My words came out low.

"Trust me. I know the feeling."

Oliver let out a slow breath and his hand went up to my face. Cupping my face softly and gently. He lowered his head down and put his forehead on mine. We were both looking at the other.

"I lied. I lied so hard Emma. Your not just a fun fuck. Your my soulmate. I love you. I love you Emma."

I looked at Oliver and a low whimper from his words escaped my throat. Oliver planted his lips on mine and kissed me. I opened my mouth a little more inviting him to kiss me deeper. Oliver slowly and carefully slipped his tongue into my mouth.

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now