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"So much for us not happening."
"Shut up. Please don't start."

Oliver looked at me and I looked at him. Our eyes locked and he stepped forward. He didn't even smile at my comment. He knew I was nervous. He knew it took a lot for me to even come to his room. I had been fighting this attraction for months.

Fuck Emma. This is a dangerous game your about to start.

I backed up when Oliver moved forward. Every step he took. I took a step back. My back hit the wall and we were still staring at each other. Oliver put his hands on the wall on both sides of me. Pinning me in. My breathing was already heavy.

Fuck he smells so good.

"Just relax Emma. Don't overthink it."
"Easy for you to say Ollie.

Oliver smiled at my comment. He leaned down and his lips met mine.

Fuck bro. Who kisses this good?

Oliver was kissing me and I was against the wall. I opened my mouth more. Inviting him more and deepening our kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed. Oliver cupped the side of my face.


I couldn't stop the light moan that escaped my mouth. Oliver's and my tongue were dancing together. Our kissing was slow and relaxed. It felt like our mouths fit perfectly together. I was breathing so fucking heavy into his mouth. When Oliver pulled away breaking the kiss I whined. Oliver smiled at me and used his tongue as he placed small slow kisses on my jaw line and my neck.

Oliver looked back at me.

"I'm going to make you regret for taking so long."

My breath shook and Oliver smiled at me.

"Don't worry Baby. I'm going to make you feel so fucking good."

Oliver grabbed my hand and led me to his bed. He pulled my shirt off over my head and, his lips found mine again. He grabbed me and laid me on the bed. His lips never wavering or leaving mine. The kiss was so good and so deep I couldn't think about anything else. All I could think about was this kiss. In this moment. The feelings he was giving me.

Oliver's left hand went to feeling on my legs and gripping my ass. My breathing was already heavy. His right hand found my nipples. Pinching, rubbing and pulling. My nipples were already hard. They were so swollen. I was breathing so fucking heavy into his mouth. Oliver knew exactly what he was doing.

Driving me fucking crazy. I was so fucking wet I could already feel it.

Oliver broke the kiss and I whined. Oliver smiled at me and his lips found my neck.


I instantly moaned out when he bit down lightly and started sucking my neck. The heat that swirled throughout my whole body was overwhelming. I was holding onto Oliver and moaning and breathing heavy. He kept sucking my neck turning me on more and more by the second.

"Ugh fuck ah."

Oliver moved and then found my nipples. I was breathing so heavy and looking down at him. Oliver locked his eyes with mine as he teased one with his mouth and, the other with his hand. I was panting and moaning.

"Fuck Ollie."

Oliver kept toying with my nipples. Kept making me move under him. After what seemed like a short yet long time Oliver switched.


My word was low and breathy. I had my one hand on his shoulder and my other on his side. Holding onto him. Oliver had me so wet my shorts were wet.

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now