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"Hey buddy."

We walked into the game room at Ari's house. Her brother was sitting on the couch.

"Hey Em. What's up?"

I walked to the couch and sat down directly in front of him.

"If I let you keep a blunt will you roll me one? Ari can't roll and, right now I can't either."

Her brother sat up and looked at me as Ari and Oliver sat down.

"Are you okay? You need to leave him. It's not like you actually love his crazy ass. It looks worse today."

Dre grabbed my chin lifting to see the bruises. I lightly pushed his hand away.

"I'll be fine. So what do you say?"

Her brother smiled at me and held his hands out to me.

"Your lucky I love you."
"Thank you Andre."

He smiled at me and I handed him everything. He got busy rolling the blunts.

"You going to my girls party this weekend?"
"Yeah for sure. She throws the best parties. Do I ever miss a party Dre?"

Andre smiled at me as he kept rolling the blunts.

"I do don't I?"

I looked up and smiled.

"Hey girl."
"Damn Em you okay boo? That shit looks really bad today."
"I'm Always okay. Even when I'm not."

She looked at me and smiled. She seen Dre working on the blunts and raised her eyebrow.

"We get to keep one right?"

I looked at her and snorted.

"Who do you think I am? Of course you do."
"See this is one reason I love her."

I looked at her and chuckled. She sat down and looked at me smiling.

"No Tanya."
"Oh come on."
"Ari just asked me the same thing. I'm not hooking up with him."
"But he really likes you Em. Y'all would make the cutest couple."

I looked at her and raised my eyebrow shaking my head.

"I'm not interested."
"Your just scared. Black guys are the dudes to be with I'm telling you. You would love it. After like the first ten minutes it stops feeling like your being ripped apart."

I gave her a horrified look and I shook my head.

"Yeah I can say your not selling me on this."
"What? Your telling me you don't find my brother  attractive? Or any black guy attractive."

I sighed.

"I didn't say that. I'm just not interested in hooking up or dating right now. I got a lot of my own shit to figure out."

Tonya sighed.

"Fine. I'm still going to keep bringing it up though"

I looked at her and smiled.

"I don't doubt you at all."
"Here you go Em."

I smiled at Andre taking the blunt.

"Thank you. I owe you one Dre."

I looked over to the door and he was smiling at me.

"Hi Cordell. What's up?"

Cordell smiled at me.

"Wondering when your gonna stop being scared and let me hit."

I looked at him sucking in my lip and shaking my head as I rolled my eyes.

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now