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I completely missed my graduation party but it was worth it. I hadn't said a single word to my mom in over a month. Matt wasn't talking to his mom either. Adam was right though. Alex left everything on my bed.

When I got home the night they left I found a envelope on my bed. The envelope including My title to my car, insurance paid for up to four years, the lease to my house for four years, the utilities on and paid for a long with three house keys.

"So I guess the contracts are for four years. So much for not signing another contract guys."

I added the keys to my keychain and I put all the papers back into the envelope. I put the envelope in my purse for safe keeping. I got out of bed and I walked down the hallway. I knocked on Matt's door.


I looked at him and then at the girl in his chair.

"I didn't know you had company. I can come back."

Matt raised his eyebrow.

"No it's okay come on in."

I walked in and I looked around. Matt and the girl was just looking at me.

"Is it weird we have lived together since before summer and I've never seen your room."

Matt laughed and I sat down. Matt sat down on his bed.

"Em what's up?"

I looked at him and sighed.

"You ever figure out your living arrangements for college. I know your mom can't afford the dorm."

Matt sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"No. I still gotta figure that out. why?"
"My brother set me up in a house they rent out for college students. He paid for it for four years. There's a few bedrooms so one maybe two is open. If you wanted it."

Matt looked at me and he furrowed his brows at me.

"Wait are you serious?"

I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Well yeah. I mean I'd rather have people I know live with me. It's just going be me and Ari. I mean there's an extra room. It's all paid for. No bills."
"You hate me."

I looked at Matt and laughed. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ah well your not so bad after you stopped bullying me."

I looked at Matt and smiled. His expression was sad though.

"My bullying almost got you raped Em."

I looked at Matt and shook my head.

"That wasn't your fault. What he did was his own choice. You didn't make him do that."

Matt still had his sad expression.

"Look if you want the room it's yours. Me and Ari are leaving for Orientation in a few days. You can ride up and check it out if you want.
The decision is yours. I already talked to Ari about it. She's cool with it."

I gave Matt and the girl a small smile.

"Sorry for interrupting."

I got up and walked out. I was Halfway down the hall  when Matt yelled for me. I turned around looking at him. Matt walked up and hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Thank you. You know your not so bad yourself."

Matt let go of me and I laughed as he walked back into his room. Oliver cleared his throat making me jump. I turned and looked at him. His eyebrow was raised as he looked at me.

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now