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"Em What's wrong?"
"Please tell me your fucking kidding me Alex."
"No. Do you two know each other?"

I stared daggers into Sabrina. Who was pretending to not know me or Ari.

"Is this cunt fucking serious."

Alex was looking at me to Ari then to Sabrina. I didn't say anything. I just started pulling my hair up. Sabrina's eyes got wide and She jumped back.

"OKAY! OKAY! Yes I know her. Her friend beat my fucking ass and Emma beat up my best friend. I was pretending not to know her because I knew you would break up with me. I know how much Emma means to you and what her opinion means."

I stood up and Alex jumped up. He got in between us and held me at arms length.

"Sabrina just go home. I'll call you later okay."

Sabrina had tears brimming her eyes. She looked at me but didn't say anything. She just walked away. Alex looked at me.


Alex's voice was firm. He wasn't yelling. He was just firm. I sighed and rolled my eyes and sat back down.

"What happened?"
"You apparently can't pick them either."

Alex smiled at me nodding his head.


I looked at Alex and rolled my eyes.

"Her best friend is Jack's sister. You know the abusive asshole you was just talking about. They also pushed their way in one night. They Attacked mom. It's why they got their asses fucking beat to begin with."

Alex looked at me and sighed. He ran a hand through his hair as he groaned.

"You can be with whoever you want Alex. Just don't expect me to be nice to her."

I looked down the driveway and smiled. I jumped up and started running.

"Hey dumbass."
"Hey brat."

My cousin Adam dropped his bag and grabbed me hugging me spinning me around the yard.

"How you been?"
"Ah same old same old. I missed you."
"I missed you too."

He smiled at me.

"Graduation. You know, I remember when you were just a little girl asking for piggy back rides. Your growing up way to fucking fast Em."

I rolled my eyes.

"But you always gave me one"

Adam smiled at me and He hugged Ari.

"Hey Ari. You excited for graduation?"
"Absolutely. How's the army guys? We miss you guys."

Adam sat down and looked at us smiling.

"Hey we miss y'all two. Don't ever think we don't. How could I not miss my favorite cousin and, her best friend. The Army is good though. Definitely not as great as we both originally thought though. So any new guys?"

Ari smiled and pointed all the while nodding her head.

"That's mine. That's Kyle. We're just fucking though."
"Hey it's nice to meet you."
"You to. This is?"

Kyle broke off and looked at Oliver then to me and back to Oliver.


After they all shook hands and introduced themselves Adam spoke up again.

"What about you Emma?"

I didn't say anything. I just shook my head. Adam nodded.

"Mhm so what was that look? Kyle just gave you both before introducing Oliver. He didn't know how to introduce him."

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now