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I changed my clothes once I got into my room. A cute tight dress, that completely hugged every aspect of my body and cute white tennis shoes. I pulled on my jacket and I grabbed my bag. I walked up the stairs and Oliver, Matt and a few of thier friends looked at me from the couch.

"Where the fuck are you going dressed like that?"

I didn't look at any of them but, I knew exactly which one asked me.


I walked out the front door and got into Ari's car. The drive to the mall was short. We walked in and headed straight for Victoria secret. We got busy shopping.

"This is really cute."

I looked at the set and held it up to me scrunching my face.

"Hmmm I don't know. I don't think I could pull it off."
"Then let Oliver do it."

I looked at Ari and started laughing.

"Your ridiculous."
"I know huh."

After we got all the lingerie we wanted we went to a few more stores. Ari put her stuff in her trunk and I put my stuff in her back seat.

We headed to the local hangout in town where we always spent time at. It had pizza, burgers, a built it arcade and even a section for dancing. The local teens loved the place.

"What the fuck are they doing here?"
"Just ignore them."

We got out of the car and the group looked at us.

Fuck why is Oliver and Matt both looking at me like that?

"Em I wanna talk to you. Come here."

Ari and me both turned and were looking at Jack. He was smiling at me.

"Go away Jack. She's not talking to you."

Jack's smile faded.

"What are you her fucking keeper? Em get in the fucking car. Now."

I looked at Jack but didn't say anything. I turned my back to him and, walked towards the entrance.


I stopped and jumped.

Fuck I hate when he uses my real name.

I turned around and faced Jack.

"Why? so you can try to strangle her again you piece of fucking shit."

Jack moved forward going straight for Ari. I stepped in between them.

"Ari just go inside. I got this."
"What! Are you crazy?

I shot her a look. Ari knew when I used her real name I meant business. Ari turned and went inside.

"What do you want?"

Jack looked at me and grabbed my hand leading me over to his car. I could still feel Matt, Oliver and their friends eyes on us.

"I miss you."
"I don't care. I need to get back to Ari."

I went to leave but, Jack grabbed my throat and slammed me into his car. I instantly cried out. From my already bruised throat to the grip he had now It was painful.

"Get your hands off of her you bitch."

I looked over and met Oliver's gaze. Tears lining my eyes.

"You look like a whore."

Jack's comment pulled my eyes from Oliver's seriously pissed off gaze.

"Jack stop."
"Stop what you slut."

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now