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The last couple of days have been weird honestly. Everyone keeps looking at me like I'm a frail piece of glass. Like I'm going to hit the ground and shatter into a million pieces at any second. The only one who wasn't was Oliver. Our sex was honestly getting more intense by the day.

I woke up in Oliver's bed. He was still sleeping.

God he's perfect.

We were still naked from the night before. I rolled over and planted my lips to his. He instantly woke up and cupped my face. Kissing me back.

"Mm good morning baby."

I smiled at him.

"Good morning."

He smiled at my sweet soft voice. Oliver moved my hair and I leaned down kissing him. His hand lightly cupping my face. I reached down underneath of the blankets and started stroking his already hard cock. He groaned into my mouth.

I moved the blankets and climbed on top of him. Oliver was still cupping my face. We were still making out. I grabbed his dick and I put it on my already wet opening.

How does just kissing him get me this turned on?

I lowered myself down onto him. I whined into his mouth and he groaned into mine.

"Ugh Emma."

I put my hands on his chest and I pushed myself up. Breaking the kiss and making Oliver whine. I smiled at his whine and kept riding.

"Ugh ugh ugh fuck."

Oliver gripped onto me as he panted. I kept riding him and I tossed my head back.

"Oh my god."

Oliver smiled and tossed me flipping me over. I started giggling.

"It's really hot when you do that."

Oliver laughed and pulled me up. He put his hand on my back arching me how he wanted me. He slid into me making me cry and gasp out.

"Oh fuck!"

Oliver groaned he started slamming into me. I was crying and screaming into his blankets. I squeezed onto his bed and Oliver kept fucking me. I tossed my hair back and Oliver fisted my hair as he gripped my hip.

"Ugh ugh oh god fuck!"

Oliver kept slamming into me. He was panting and groaning.

"Fuck Emma. How are you still this tight. Jesus christ."

Oliver grabbed me pulling me up. His hand was around my throat Gently holding me and his other arm was around my stomach holding onto my hip.

"Oliver! I'm"

My words were whiny and panting.

Oliver groaned and kept going. Seconds before I started cumming Matt opened his door. We both looked at Matt and Matt smiled.

"I see why you you like fucking her. Her body is outstanding."

Oliver kept going.

"ugh oh fuck!"

Oliver reached up and covered my mouth as I screamed.

"Matt get out."

Matt smiled and he walked out shutting the door. I was panting and Oliver was too. I could feel Oliver throbbing inside of me.

"Mmm ugh."

Oliver shot his load into me as he moaned.

"Ugh fuck Emma."

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