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When I got my schedule for work texted to me a week later I looked at it.

"Hope this works. If not let me know. -Danny"

I pulled out my schedule for school and made sure the schedule worked and, that they wouldn't interfere with the other. I had a lot of hours and long shifts.

"That works perfect. I moved earlier then expected so, I can start sooner if you needed me."

The text message came back almost immediately.

"Well in that case. Can you start tomorrow?"
"Yes. Absolutely."
"Perfect. You just saved me one hell of a short restaurant. Three girls called off. Tomorrow is Tuesday so you'll work the nine am to seven pm shift. Just follow your schedule from there."

I smiled.

Yeah Emma no need to be nervous.

I groaned but I cleared my worry and texted him back.

"I look forward to it. See you at nine tomorrow."

I got up from my bed and I walked over to my computer desk. I pulled out my paperwork and I got busy. It honestly didn't take me as long as I thought it would. I looked everything over three times to make sure I didn't miss anything and I put everything in my bag. I read the paper of my guidelines.

"Work Shirt with name tag clearly visible. Closed toed Black non slip shoes. Hair pulled up into a ponytail or a bun at all times. Dark blue jeans or black pants. No rips, no tears, no snags. Proper hygiene at all times. No excessive visible jewelry. You can have a necklace and a ring on. One set of ear rings. No face jewelry at all. Fake nails are okay. At a reasonable length."

I read the paper and took a picture of it.

Well looks like I'm going shopping.

I jumped in the shower and cleaned myself up.

Fuck these tattoos look good now.

Once I was finished I got out and dried off. I brushed my teeth and walked into my bedroom. I added my deodorant and I got dressed. I decided on a cute crop top that showed off my tattoo and a pair ripped jean capris. My butt honestly looked spectacular in them. I added my spray and slid on my flip flops. I brushed my hair out and pulled it into a loose messy bun.

I grabbed my bag and my phone. I went down the stairs and went towards the kitchen.

"Where you going?"

I looked at Ari laying on the couch.

"Shopping. I start work tomorrow."

Ari smiled.

"That will be good for you. Like really good. Can I come?"
"Yeah. Of course."

I grabbed my keys and we locked the house up. The drive to the store took a few minutes. Twelve to be exact. I locked up my car and we headed inside.

"Okay so I need hair ties, we need hygiene, uhm shoes and pants."

Ari smiled and nodded her head. We headed to the hygiene and hair section. I got everything I needed in the hair section and that we needed in hygiene for the house and for us. We headed for shoes.

"Black anti slip shoes in size seven in a half."

Me and Ari were looking.

"I Found some."

Ari grabbed the shoes and handed the three pairs to me. I tried on one shoe to two different sets and I walked around. I sat back down and I took off one shoe and I put on the other set. I walked back around and then I decided. I put two of the same pairs in the cart and put away the ones I decided no on.

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now