1. Robecca Glitch

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3rd POV

Outside Jasper Nevada, inside a hidden bunker, is a group of kids setting up a hangout space on the main platform of the base, right beside the elevator, with a bit of help from giant robots from another planet.

''Thanks Bulk.'' Thanked the Japanese girl, as a giant green bot placed a grey couch on the platform.

''Well, now we have a space to hang out in.'' Says the young blacked haired boy and take a seat on a leaning chair.

''Yeah.'' Cheered the girl and sit on the couch. The third kid of the group, who has spiking brown hair and glasses, just start looking around the platform and around the base.

''Hey, Raf. You made the tv work?'' Ask the blacked haired boy to the glassed kid.

''Yeah, Jack. And inserted my old PlayStation to it, so we can play some games.'' Inform the kid, Raf back. The boy, Jack, nodded and pick up the remote and turn on the tv.

''Nice, Raf.'' Cheered the girl.

''Thanks, Miko.'' Thanked Raf and return to his observation of the base. He looked at all the Cybertronian computers, the medic area and the giant glass cylinder beside the hang out platform. Raf's eyes moved closer to the medic computer, when he spotted a smaller cylinder beside the medic controller, and it is lighting up with some matrix looking light inside of it.

''Uhm, Ratchet.'' Called Raf towards an orange and white colored robot by the main computers.

''What?'' Ask the robot a bit annoyed, but look at the young kid anyway.

''What is that? And why is there light in it?'' Ask Raf, pointing at the small cylinder. Ratchet blinked and walk towards the medic area, towards the lit up cylinder.

''Oh my. It seems I forgot to check on her this week.'' Says Ratchet very calmly and press some buttons on the medic scanner.

''How can you forget?'' Ask a small blue and pink robot, which has a female body appearance.

''Because, Arcee, I was busy with teaching these kids, what not to touch and we had to deal with Megatron and his undeath army.'' Argue Ratchet back. His argumentation got the other two human kids attention to walk over and see the cylinder.

''So, what's in it?'' Ask Raf again, looking at the medic of the alien robots.

''Robecca Glitch.'' Answer a deep voice, which belongs to the biggest robot of them all, in red and blue paint. Beside him stand an yellow and black colored robot. There was a pause, because the big robot is walking closer to the medic area.

''Who?'' Ask Miko confused at that name.

''A sacred relic to us.'' Answer the leader of the robots.

''Can you explain it, in a bit more detail, Optimus?'' Ask Jack careful not to sound demanding or anything.

''When Cybertron was reaching its final hours, because of the war, created my old mentor, Alpha Trion, a hope for Cybertron. A hope which he bestowed me to protect, until the war is finally over.'' Started the leader, Optimus Prime, and signal Ratchet to show the kids what is inside. Ratchet slightly shook his head, but press one button and the light and mist inside the cylinder starts to vanish, showing a figure standing inside of it. A figure in white, silver and gold. ''Alpha Trion created a storage to contain all Cybertronian knowledge. And implanted a spark, that belong to our core. The All Spark.''

''Woah. It looks like us.'' Mumble Miko shocked of the reveal of a human sized robot inside the cylinder. Its feature looks like a human girl, but with Cybertronian metal.

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