17. One Shall Fall

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Robecca POV

A full week has passed, since the small Synthetic Energon infection episode, and Ratchet has made a full recovery. But Optimus wants to be extra sure, so he ordered Ratchet to take it easy and let me take over some of his work on the main computer and the analyzing of the Synthetic Energon formular. I can already tell, we won't get the formular ready for at least four months, if I exclude sudden emergencies and all.

''One shall rise...'' I flinched at the small whispering voice. I look up from the medic screen and look around, but see no one of the Autobots are talking to me. And I also feel this dreading feeling in my spark, that I can't 'breath' and my spark beats rising up. ''...One shall fall.''

''What the...'' I mumble to myself and put a hand to the big blue gem above my spark chamber.

''Robecca.'' I get pulled out of my thoughts and look towards Optimus, by the main computer. ''I need your assistance investigating something.''

''Coming.'' I call back and float over to the keyboard, ready to help. Optimus gives me a concerning look, but I just look away from him and place my cables on the computer, to get ready to work. ''What do you want me to do, Optimus?''

''Increase the satellite image to the majority of the galaxy.'' Order Optimus and confuse me a little, cause why would he wanna see the solar systems from across the galaxy? But, I can't deny an order, so I search for a way to optimize the satellite. 

''Something on your mind Optimus?'' Ask Ratchet and join us.

''Just something I heard from the human radio, on my latest scout mission.'' Answer Optimus, making me laugh a little.

''I didn't know you listen to the human radio, Optimus?'' I giggled a little and finish my task. I look back at the leader, to only earn a small smile from him, before he turn his gaze to Ratchet.

''The human scientist mentioned about an upcoming planet alignment in their solar system, and I got concerned for an old folklore from our planet.'' Explain Optimus and step aside for Ratchet to take over the computer.

''Which one, Optimus?'' I ask the leader, while Ratchet look at the increased solar system map.

''About the Rising Darkness.'' Answer Optimus and get on the other side of the main computer.

''The one from the Covenant of Primus?'' Ask Ratchet surprised as well and get the others attention.

''Indeed.'' Says Optimus. I hummed and look up the folklore in my system.

''The folklore from Cybertrons history, is meant to warn us about a Rising Darkness, that is to repeat itself from a previous event, millions of stella cycles ago.'' I recall with the help of the file.

''And it was written in the Covenant of Primus, that when the forty seven spheres align, a perpetual conflict will culminate upon a world forged from chaos. And the weak shall perish in the shadow of a rising darkness.'' Finish Optimus and look concerned at the solar system.

''No sky is raining fire.'' Commend Arcee and enter the conversation along with Bulkhead.

''Goes without say. It is a doom prophecy after all.'' Says Ratchet calmly.

''Well, all I say, it is a load of hooey.'' Says Bulkhead honest and doesn't take the ancient folklore seriously.

''I had always assumed the ancients were referring to our home planet. But, being that Cybertron has been dark for eons.'' Says Ratchet with a grim look.

''And considering what has befallen this planet, since Megatron's arrival here.'' Add Optimus and point out the possible danger we are about to face.

''Whoa, whoa, whoa.'' Interrupt Bulkhead a bit unsure. ''We have known about this superstition for ages and never gave it a second thought wild.''

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