2. Master and student

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(Robecca is my OC and was painted on drawing software Krita. I am new to this art program, but I think this art turned out fine)

3rd POV

''Optimus, why so glum?'' Ask the Autobot medic, Ratchet, to his leader, Optimus Prime, who is glomming by the groundbridge. ''This planet, all planets, are finally free from Megatron's tyranny.''

''I do not disagree.'' Answer Optimus, not looking back at Ratchet. ''It is just... a small part of me hoped to change Megatron's mind. Not extinguish his spark.''

''Optimus. His vileness was not slain by your hand, but by his own twisted arrogance.'' Commend Ratchet, with a venomous tone.

''Not helping.'' Called a girls voice by Ratchet's feet. Robecca spotted them talking, so she approached them. She was informed about what happen while she was doing her glitch cycle. How the kids got involved into this, who is their guardian and also about the living death situation. She truly wished she was there to help, but her glitch cycle can't be ignored. Robecca  walk a bit away from the medic bot and then jump up into the air. Some blue rings appear under her feet and held her up in the air, letting her float in mid air. She fly all the way up to Optimus's shoulder, to better comfort him.

''I am sorry.'' Apologized Ratchet, looking down in shame. ''I know the two of you had quite a history.''

''But the Megatron whom I once fought beside, perished eons ago. The day he chose to become a Decepticon.'' Says Optimus and finally look back at Ratchet. ''The Decepticons may be in disarray, but they aren't without leadership and while Starscream is no Megatron, he is far from predictable.''


''What the?'' Gasp Robecca shocked at the volume of the explosion. Optimus and Ratchet flinched at the sound too.

''Decepticons. We are under attack.'' Exclaim Ratchet worried as he and Optimus run towards the medic area, where smoke is rising up. Thanks to Robecca's design, has her feet some magnetic feature, so she can stay on any Cybertronian metal.

''It is not an attack Ratchet.'' Inform Raf, waving away some smoke from his face. ''It is my volcano.''

''Volcano?'' Ask Robecca curious to that word. But the thing in front of Raf melted into a puddle. 

''Was. Sorry Robecca.'' Apologize Raf, clearly know that Robecca has a huge interest in learning about Earth stuff.

''Hold still, Bulkhead.'' Call Miko on one of the platform, where Bulkhead is holding up some strings attached to some plastic balls, designed to look like planets. ''Jupiter needs its red spot. *Spill*... Whoopsie.''

''What... in The All Spark... is going on in here?'' Ask Ratchet, trying to keep his calm.

''Our projects are due tomorrow.'' Inform Jack, who stands beside a yellow motorcycle with Arcee.

''Maybe it needs one of these doohickeys.'' Suggest Arcee and hold up a metal part.

''You are a motorcycle, Arcee. Shouldn't you known how to build a motorcycle engine.'' Mock Jack at his guardian.

''You are a human, Jack. Can you build me a small intestine?'' Mock Arcee back with a good point.

''Well... You can't work on these projects in here. You are... making a mess.'' Complain Ratchet, not liking it at all.

''But, the science fair is a big part of our grade.'' Defended Raf, with a news paper in hand.

''Science fair? What is that?'' Ask Robecca curious and jump down from Optimus's shoulder and hoover above the ground in front of Raf, eager to hear.

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