3. Scraplet

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3rd POV

In the middle of the arctic circle, the coldest place on earth, is Bulkhead and Bumblebee walking down some kind of a path, trying to find something their scanner has found.

''Are we there yet?'' Ask Bumblebee with his buzzing voice.

''No, we are not there yet.'' Answer Bulkhead and look at the scanner. ''But it should be just pass this ridge, Bumblebee.'' The two reach an edge and together slid down the ledge to the bottom. ''I don't get it. These readings are off the meter.''

''Wait.'' Buzz Bumblebee and wave at Bulkhead to follow. ''Bulkhead, take a look at this.'' The two walk towards an ice floor, where something big and metallic is frozen solid in ice.

'' The two walk towards an ice floor, where something big and metallic is frozen solid in ice

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''Energon circulation is fully functional.'' Inform Robecca, looking at the medic computer, while Bulkhead and Bumblebee are hooked up to some defrosting equipment tube.

''I told you, doc, we are fine.'' Complained Bulkhead and remove one of the tube from his chest. He try to stand up, which result the other tube fall off, but Ratchet stopped him from leaving.

''The only way to be certain your fine, Bulkhead, is to endure standard defrosting procedure.'' Argue Ratchet and push Bulkhead back down to sitting position. ''You know prolonged exposure to sub-zero conditions can cause permanent system damage.''

''Ratchet.'' Called Optimus, walking over to the medic area with Arcee. ''Have you or Robecca learned anything more about our arctic find?''

''Negative.'' Answer Robecca honest, not leaving her sight at the computer screen.

''Not yet.'' Answer Ratchet too and show an image on the big screen of the medic computer. ''The pod can't be opened while it is frozen solid.''

''But based of the size and the clear signs of the Cybertronian metal.'' Called out Robecca and finally look away from the computer to look at Optimus. ''Is it defiantly an escape pod, but not one from a spaceship. I would guess that the pod may contain an escapee Cybertronian from the war. Maybe even sparklings, cause they, along with there carrier, were sendt away from Cybertron first to protect them from the war.''

''An understandable guess, Robecca.'' Comment Optimus, taking a look at the video camera of the pod. ''But we will have to wait, in order to see.''

Robecca POV

The pod is still frozen solid, and since we have to wait, have Optimus decided that he and Arcee are going back to the arctic to see if there is anything else than the pod or maybe find a clue what is inside the pod.

''Miss us, doc bot?'' Ask Miko as the human kids arrive with Bulkhead and Bumblebee.

''Oh. Shouldn't they be in school?'' Ask Ratchet annoyed that the kids are here. I, on the other hand, find it entertaining.

''On Saturday? We have the whole weekend off to spend with you.'' Inform Miko with a slight mocking tone.

''I wasn't expecting to carpool. What gives, Arcee.'' Commend Jack towards Arcee.

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