8. Sick mind

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3rd POV

A week has passed since the race and Robecca had the most scolding out of everyone. She did break Optimus number one rule, which is to always stay at the base, but she couldn't help it. Optimus was gonna permanently keep her in the base, no matter what, and she just got the taste of being outside the base. She wasn't gonna let Optimus take it away. But now, she is in even more trouble. Now, she isn't even aloud to be alone, but be with in sight for either Optimus or Ratchet. Right now, is Ratchet kindly helping Robecca with her holoform to perfect it. Why is he doing that, not because she asked him if he would, but because her self made invention might cause a system error. And that is something Ratchet don't want to happen to Robecca.

''Thanks you, Ratchet.'' Thanked Robecca and step out of her glass chamber. ''I am happy I may keep my holoform.''

''Don't see it as your ticket to get out of base again.'' Point out Ratchet, still keeping a grudge, even though it was a week ago.

''I promise.'' Replied Robecca sadden. But then the attention switched to the main computer, which is suddenly bleeping. It has detected something in the middle of Asia. Ratchet and Robecca walk over there to have a look. Ratchet take a little closer look at the detected signal, when it revealed itself. ''No way.''

''Optimus, you are not going to believe this.'' Call out Ratchet to the Autobot leader. ''I have just pinpointed the location of the Decepticon warship.''

''How did you penetrate their cloaking technology?'' Ask Optimus, as everyone approaches the main computer to have a look.

''I didn't. I was experimenting with variable frequency wavelengths, while fixing Robecca's new holoform, when I stumbled upon it.'' Explain Ratchet and get the full set of coordinate for it. ''Still, their ship must be experiencing some kind of electromagnetic breach.''

''With Megatron deceased and the element of surprise.'' Suggest Arcee and punch one fist into the palm of the other.

''We could cause some serious damage.'' Agreed Bulkhead of the idea of a surprise attack against the Decepticons. But then the computer gather another signal, with a completely different, but familiar symbol.

''Also on the same frequency. An Autobot emergency beacon.'' Analyzed Ratchet of the second beacon.

''The Decepticons can wait. There may be Autobots in distress. Ratchet bring your medical kit.'' Order Optimus as Ratchet immediately set in the coordinate and activate the Ground Bridge. Ratchet went to get his med kit, walk Robecca closer towards Optimus.

''Maybe I should come along.'' Suggest Robecca and quickly defend herself. ''If new Autobots are gonna join the team, then maybe seeing me, the last hope, might encouraging them to stay here and join us.''

''Hmm.'' Hummed Optimus, not sure what to say. The other three Autobots noticed Robecca slight change of getting out, and knowing how much happier she is when she gets out, do they take the change to help her.

''She does have a point Optimus.'' Chirped Arcee and walk closer to Optimus. ''Think about it. When Cliffjumper and I arrived on Earth together, was the sight of not only you, but also Robecca, what convinced us to stay with the team.''

''And you said yourself, she can't be out of either yours or Ratchet side.'' Remind Bulkhead, also trying to help. ''And since you both are going...''

''Very well.'' Agreed Optimus, which surprises everyone. Optimus then look firmly at Robecca. ''But you are to stick with me the entire time.'' Robecca smiled at her succes and immediately float into the air, to stand on Optimus right shoulder.

''I will.'' Says Robecca, happy she get to come along. Ratchet just shake his head and activate the Ground Bridge. The Ground Bridge let the three to some dessert in the middle of the night, and where the sand is revealing half of a broken spaceship. 

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