13. Metal Attraction

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3rd POV

As the sun shines bright in Jasper Nevada, is the Autobots doing their usual duties. Optimus and Bumblebee are in a scouting mission for Energons, while Arcee, Ratchet, Jack and Robecca are in base.

''Woah, check out these wavy signals.'' Says Robecca out loud and look at Ratchet. ''These are abnormal signals that doesn't belong to this planet.''

''Curious.'' Agreed Ratchet to the unusual signal. But before he can check it further out, when the security starts. Something is approaching the base.

''Arcee, a vehicular form is approaching.'' Inform Ratchet to the fem bot behind him, with Jack besides her.

''Decepticon?'' Ask Arcee and look at the screen. Robecca get into the satellite camera and zoom in, to better see it.

''Mom.'' Sighed Jack a bit annoyed at the sight of her car.

''Again?'' Mock Arcee with hands on her hips.

''She worries.'' Defend Jack right as the car enter the main hall and park besides the Ground Bridge controls.

''Hi honey.'' Greet June and exit the car, walking over to her son to give him a hug. ''Finished my shift early at the hospital, so I thought I would swing by. Good to see you again, Doctor, Robecca, Arcee.''

''Hi June.'' Greet Robecca back, while Ratchet just nodded to her before continue inspecting the mysterious waves.

''So, where is Optimus?'' Wonder June and try to spot the big bot.

''On a scouting mission with Bumblebee. Sorry to disappoint.'' Inform Ratchet, which disappoint June a little.

''And I whore heels and everything.'' Joke June to make Jack fluster. Robecca took notes in a typical human relationships between mother and son.

''That is odd.'' Humm Ratchet and look at the wave. ''This is an extremely unusual magnetic flux for any planet I recognize. Robecca, check your stored data for these signals.''

''Roger doger.'' Replied Robecca, with a sentence she learned from Miko. She close her optics for a moment and then flick them open, all lit up. She looks through her millions of Cybertronian files. ''Let's see.'' Hummed mind Robecca and start filter the files down to find the right one. That leaves about 147 files, so Robecca add the small data she and Ratchet got, which leaves only one file back. Mind Robecca smile and double tap the file and then return back to the real world. ''It is possible a Decepticon invention called Polarity Gauntlet. But I can't be sure without more details. We might even have the wrong data.''

''Understood.'' Hummed Ratchet with a nod, looking more into the signals to get the coordinates for the Ground Bridge. Suddenly a hum from a car engine roared down the entrance hallway and towards the main room. It is Bulkhead, who where dunebashing with Miko and Rafael.

''Did you feel the g's on the last turn? Bulkhead is an animal.'' Cheered Miko and exit Bulkhead with Raf, all exited, until she sees June Darby. ''Remember when this used to be a secret clubhouse?''

''Don't worry miss Darby, we were wearing seatbelts.'' Ensure Raf as the two walk over to the adult.

''I am sure you were, Rafael. Hi Miko, how is school going?'' Ask June kindly to the Japanese teen.

''Why? What did you hear?'' Ask Miko concerned and point at June.

''Jasper Nevada is a small town, Miko.'' Chirped Robecca and float down to the humans. ''People talk and June does work in a hospital, which include communicating with peoples.''

''She is indeed right.'' Says June with a nod, as she slightly look up at Robecca, who is a head taller than June.

''Let's do this, Jack.'' Says Arcee and pick up some wires and go ahead towards the entrance hallway.

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