7. Speed metal

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3rd POV

''Now, try again.'' Order Ratchet, as he and Optimus are watching Robecca carefully, testing her newly discovered ability. It seems her glitching can be of some use, rather than being a danger to any technology or Cybertronian. So Optimus demanded that it will be tested, to see how it works and if it would be of any use in the future. She has glitched from place to place in the base, with longer distance each time. And now, is she trying to glitch through stuff, with the Decontamination glass container as the first object. 

''Okay. Just gonna do as the other times.'' Mumble Robecca and imagen herself become hundreds of pixels and have those travel through the glass and to the other side. For Robecca it might feel like five minutes, but for Optimus and Ratchet, took it only half a minute. And the glitch itself was a mere nanosecond. 

''Unbelievable.'' Mumble Ratchet amazed at the discovery. ''It never crossed my mind that you could use your glitching ability to transport yourself around. A perfect way for you to escape the Decepticons or any danger, if needed.''

''Indeed old friend.'' Agreed Optimus and kneel down to get Robecca, who seems a bit tired from using the glitching so much. When she safely sits on Optimus's servo, stand the leader up so the medic can scan her. ''But I don't intent to let Robecca out of base for a long time, now that the Decepticons now know of her present on this planet.''

''Aaaw.'' Whine Robecca to herself. She just got the feeling of being outside the base, being part in action, and now it is taken away just like that.

''Agreed and it seems using that ability too much, is causing her to be tired.'' Read Ratchet from his scan and then look at the small bot. ''I recommend resting for the remaining day, no use of your powers and ability, to avoid an early glitch cycle.''

''Understood.'' Replied Robecca and got placed at the human area.

''Dude, that ability is so rad.'' Commend Miko to cheer Robecca up. ''You can zip from one place to another, without anyone hearing you.''

''You are right. I can be here *Glitch* I can be over here *Glitch* A shadow around the corner *Glitch* I think it is a great ability.'' Says Robecca, feeling much better while zipping around, to return back to her original position.

''Robecca, I just told you to stop using you ability.'' Scold Ratchet right away, which makes Robecca flinch and hide behind Miko.

''Sorry, Ratchet.'' Apologize Robecca, slightly getting out of hiding.

''Come on, let's chat with Jack.'' Suggest Miko and take Robecca with her to the hangars, where Arcee and Jack is. Miko, Raf and Robecca easily find them, but also heard that they where saying to one another.

''Not a word to anyone.'' Remind Arcee, while Jack give her a wink.

''Our little secret.'' Promise Jack. Arcee smile and talk towards the main hangar. When she is gone, run Miko over to Jack.

''Dude. Vroom, vroom, vroom. And the winner is?'' Says Miko and mimic herself driving a motorcycle. 

''Miko, who told you?'' Ask Jack worried, but keep calm.

''You are kidding? It is all over school.'' Inform Miko excited.

''You beat the pants off that bully Vince.'' Praise Raf amazed at Jack's achievement.

''I am so not following.'' Commend Robecca with Raf beside her. Then Jack pull the three closer together.

''You guys have to keep this on the dl. Especially from Optimus.'' Beg Jack cause he broke one of Optimus's rules.

''But... But I can't lie.'' Inform Robecca which worries Jack a lot, even Raf and Miko. ''I am programmed to always tell the truth. And if Optimus, or anyone ask, I have to tell the truth.''

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