11. Operation Breakdown

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3rd POV

Bulkhead has just returned from a scouting mission for Energon, in an abounded town here on Earth named Kamchatka Peninsula, that is located in Eastern Russia. A pure ghost town. Sadly, he returned empty handed and had a massive fight against his nemesis, Breakdown. 

''Engaging the enemy on your own was foolish Bulkhead.'' Scold Optimus, because Bulkhead didn't call for reinforcement.

''Breakdown jumped me. I know I could take him.'' Defend Bulkhead, but then flinched when Ratchet miss his wielding spot, because Bulkhead move.

''Stay still.'' Order Ratchet calmly and continue fix the cracked metal shoulder plate.

''But we should see the other guy right now, right Bulk?'' Says Miko and is on Bulkhead side.

''Oh, yeah. About that.'' Says Bulkhead a bit embarrassed to tell his charge, that he didn't even win.

''You didn't torch him?'' Ask Miko disappointed.

''Not exactly. I figured you all did.'' Says Bulkhead and look at the rest of his team. ''When I came to, Breakdown was just gone. I remember hearing a copter. Maybe it was Agent Fowler.''

''Not me.'' Answer the said agent, who just arrived with bad news. ''But I have an idea who. Show me where this con-napping occurred.''

''It happened at Kamchatka Peninsula, Eastern Russia.'' Answer Robecca and show Agent Fowler the coordinates on the map.

''And this, is where we picked up Bulkhead.'' Add Ratchet and show are more specific area.

''Robecca is indeed right. Much of Kamchatka Penusula was abandoned 20 years ago, when its volcano first erupted.'' Explain Agent Fowler of the history of that place. ''My intel reported MECH activity there earlier today.''

''MECH? You mean those techie guys?'' Ask Miko, recalling their last encounter with them, when they helped transporting the D.N.G.S.

''The very ones, who know of our existence on your planet.'' Answer Ratchet.

''They must attract one of us there.'' Conclude Bulkhead, now understanding what might have happened to Breakdown.

''But what would they want with Breakdown?'' Ask Miko, still now getting it, yet.

''What does it matter, they can have him.'' Says Arcee with a shrug.

''Too bad for Breakdown.'' Says Bumblebee sarcastic, agreeing to Arcee's statement.

''Yeah, dragged off by humans. Huh, guess I soften him up forever.'' Joke Bulkhead with a slam of his fists.

''Do no joke about this.'' Scold Robecca, but sadly not in a serious tone. ''If MECH learn about our biology, who knows what they will create to harm this planet. Decepticon or not, he still is a Cybertronian.''

''Ratchet, reactivate the previous Ground Bridge coordinates.'' Order Optimus towards the medic and then at the minibot with an acknowledge nod. ''We will rescue Breakdown.''

''What?'' Ask Ratchet shocked at the order.

''Optimus, you can't be serious.'' Says Arcee, also not believing their leaders word.

''We can't do that.'' Says Bumblebee and shake his head.

''MECH can melt him down for all I care. Let the cons their own.'' Says Bulkhead harshly.

''It is unlikely that Megatron would bother with an errand of mercy.'' Point out Optimus, which is a solid point. ''And Robecca slight fear, might not be off. Considering what we encounter last time.''

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