12. Crisscross

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Robecca POV

''I still can't believe Optimus let you come along.'' Says Jack as he is pulling Arcee in her vehicle mode, while I, in my holoform, walks beside him towards his house.

''Well, Optimus lighten up my punishment after the race. He just made me promise, that I have to stay with someone at all time, while I am outside.'' I recall, happy that I am aloud to be outside the base. I just have to be with an Autobot at all time and be in my holoform.

''Thanks for walking me home, Jack.'' Thanked Arcee with a mocking tone, as we arrive at Jack's home. ''You are a real gentleman.''

''I don't want you revved up before bedtime.'' Says Jack and walk over to the garage door to lift it up. ''Mom is a light sleeper and I don't think that she would understand about.''

''Understand what Jack?'' Ask a female voice right behind the garage door. Jack flinched and look back to his mother, who was waiting in the garage, really angry. ''You breaking curfew for the third time this month, or why your boss called about you missing another shift at work? Or maybe the email I received from your art history teacher, who is concerned that you have been falling asleep in class.''

''Well, two words mom. Art and history.'' Defend Jack to lighten the mood.

''Tell me the rumors aren't true, Jack. Tell me you are not racing that motorcycle.'' Beg Jack's mom worried for her own son.

''No, no, wait, wait where did you hear that?'' Ask Jack shocked at that question.

''Small town, people talk.'' Says Jack's mom simply and take a glimpse towards me. ''I work in an emergency room Jack, I have seen what can happen, so please tell me you haven't fallen in with a bad crowd.''

''What? No, no, no, no my friends are the good crowd. Seriously good.'' Defend Jack with both hands in the air. Jack's mom take another look at me, who is drawing on the ground with my shoe. Jack's mom return her look to Jack, making me look back at the scene.

''I let you have that bike because you convinced me you were mature enough to handle it, but I think you may need a gentle reminder.'' Suggest Jack's mom very serious of her words.

''Message received, mom. Loud and clear.'' Says Jack and grab Arcee to drag her in to the garage. ''I am glad we had this talk.''

''I meant, let's see if a few weeks without the distraction of your motorcycle will do the trick.'' Says Jack's mom, taking us by a surprise.

''But...'' Try Jack, but his mom turn to look at him angrily. 

''No buts. You are grounded from everything but school and work. And if you want to take a bike to either, you will pedal.'' Demand Jack's mom and mentioned towards a normal bike at the back of the garage. ''I am serious, Jack. If I see that motorcycle out of the garage.''

''Uhm, miss Darby?'' I speak up and stay put, not wanting to be rude. ''I could take the bike with me to my home and hide the keys, so Jack can use it. Therefore he might not gonna drive it by accident, while he is grounded.''

''It is sweet of you...?'' Says Jack's mom and hesitate at the end. She want to know my name, but I can't use my own name.

''Rebecca, Rebecca Steam.'' I answer out of pure instinct.

''Nice to meet you Rebecca, my name is June. But I can't accept your kind offer. It won't be a challenge or a lesson for my son.'' Denied June of my offer to take Arcee with me. June look at Jack and gives him a kiss on his forehead. ''Now, go wash up and get some sleep, I love you. And shall I drive you home, Rebecca?''

''Oh, no thank you. My ride is waiting right around the corner.'' I kindly denied with a lie as Jack drag Arcee into the garage. June leaves the garage and activate the garage door to close, with me standing outside. To avoid being seen by others, do I slowly walk down the road to find an alleyway and ask for a Bridge back to base. I didn't expect this to happened at all. I momentarily deactivate my holoform to contact base. ''Ratchet, I need a Bridge back to base. I explain why when I get back.''

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