4. Wheeljack

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Robecca POV

I am simply sitting down on the couch, the seating object for humans, and try the creative thing called 'drawing'. Miko brought a set of drawing papers and pencil to me, so that I can try it. It is quite fun in some way. Right now, am I trying to draw a Cybertronian energon field. It is like the humans flower field, just with energon shards.

''Robecca, I need your assistance.'' Call Ratchet from the main computer. I look up to look at him in the optics. I put away the pencil and leave my art to help Ratchet.

''What do you need help to?'' I ask kindly and get up from the couch to better see the screen.

''I detected something from outside this planets atmosphere, but I have a hard time reach it and see what it is.'' Explain Ratchet and point to a detected signal, flashing on a map, showing the space of Earth. I slowly nodded and get to the catwalk right beneath the middle screen. ''Please try and boost the computers scanning, so it can reach the signal. You only have to do it until we know what it is.''

''I understand.'' I chirped with a nod and use both my cables this time and plug them into the main computer. My eyes lit up, indicating that I am hacking into the computer. For my vision during this, am I seeing numerous numbers and letters, until the entire computer screen is before me, but in 3D. My conscious walk closer to the sphere, forming the planet Earth, and find the signal Ratchet is talking about. I just touch it and make my physicals body nod, letting Ratchet know he can read the signal now.

''Optimus. I am receiving a signal on a restricted band.'' Call out Ratchet, getting the attention of not only Optimus, but also the others. ''It appears to be coming from a starship inside this solar system. It is an Autobot identification beacon.''

''So there is other bots out there?'' Ask Jack, who is standing besides me, to my left with Raf.

''The masses scattered to the galaxies, when Cybertron finally went dark.'' Explain Arcee, but then her face gets dark. ''But, cons have been known to bait traps with false beacons.''

''This one isn't.'' I chirped real quick. ''The signal is indeed from a spaceship and someone is on board.''

''Robecca, activate communication link.'' Order Optimus, which I nodded to and went to work. It took only five second before I nodded again. ''Unknow vessel, this is Autobot outpost omega one. Identify yourself.''

''I've had warmer welcomes from Decepticon Combat Brigrades.'' Says the unknow bot with a humorous tone.

''Wheeljack?'' Call out Bulkhead, sounding surprised, but then laughed. ''You old con crusher. What are you doing all the way out here?''

''Bulkhead? That is you? What is with all the security?'' Ask the Autobot Wheeljack.

''The rock we are on is crawling with cons.'' Inform Bulkhead real quick. ''How soon can you get here and even the odds.''

''Sometime tomorrow. If I put metal to the pedal.'' Answer Wheeljack and I would guess that he is smirking.

''Another bot is coming here. How cool is that?'' Ask Miko excited to meet this Wheeljack.

''Wheeljack?'' Hummed Optimus for a moment, before he look at Bulkhead. ''I know of him by reputation only. Can you verity his voice print?''

''He is 1000% the real deal, Optimus.'' Answer Bulkhead without hesitation.

''We will send landing coordinates, Wheeljack. Safe journey.'' Inform Optimus to Wheeljack.

''See you soon buddy. I will make sure you get a proper welcome.'' Promise Bulkhead, right as the call ends. I 'wake up' and remove my cables, placing them back into place by my audio recepter. Recreating the form of a circle, made by the lit cables.

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