14. Rock bottom

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Robecca POV

I don't know how, but for some reason am I out of the base, with Jack and Miko, as their charges are searching an abounded mine that have a slight Energon signal. Which is slightly odd. Miko convinced Optimus to let me go with her to see a concert she has been 'dying' to see, and he agreed, but he doesn't know that we had a pit stop by the mine.

''We are supposed to be at a rock concert, but all I see is rock.'' Complain Miko on a pile of rumbles, while Jack and I are sitting beside her, relaxing while waiting for the Autobots.

''Relax Miko. The show doesn't start for two hours.'' Remind Jack calmly.

''And our current location is near by, so we can make it within half an hour.'' I inform the harsh musical interested girl.

''Do you know how long I have waited to see Slash Monkey?'' Ask Miko sarcastic to us. ''Forever. And it is their only US date.''

''There is a shock, I mean, who doesn't love obscure Bulgarian shriek metal.'' Says Jack with a roll in his eyes. I just laugh a little at the short conversation. Miko glare at us until we all hear footsteps approaching us from the mine tunnel.

''By all appearances, the mine has been stripped.'' Conclude Arcee to Bulkhead, who is holding the Energon scanner.

''But I am getting a signal. It is faint, but it is definitely Energon.'' Says Bulkhead because of the scanner telling otherwise. Bulkhead turn to me and reach out the scanner. ''Do you mind check it for bugs?''

''Sure, no problem.'' I agreed and place my right cable on it to take a look. I get to see a radar which updates each five seconds. There are outlines of multiple lines, which is the mine tunnels, and a few faint blue dots is blinking around the tunnels. ''It is not bugged. There is Energon in there, but they are still in the mountain walls, hence to why it is so faint.''

''Doesn't make sense.'' Says Arcee confused at this. ''This operation has been abandoned for four, maybe five years. And Decepticons never leaves Energon behind.''

''Uh, guys.'' Call out Jack to the two Autobots. When they look at him, point Jack straight at the mine entrance, where Miko is running straight in.

''Cool.'' Exclaim Miko excited.

''She went in? Unbelievable.'' Groan Arcee at Miko's stupidity to go into a mine, that might be very unstable and dangerous.

''Really? Have you met her?'' Joke Jack and get off the rumble.

''Ugh. Miko, get back here.'' Call out Bulkhead and run in after the human girl. Arcee walks a bit closer to Jack and I.

''It would be kind of interesting to see. You know, if it were safe.'' Suggest Jack and actually wanna go in there.

''A stripped mine can be structurally unstable, Jack.'' Warn Arcee of Jack's idea, but really denying it.

''I promise to step lightly.'' Promise Jack. Arcee thinks for a moment, actually thinking of letting Jack in.

''Arcee, you know the danger and if Optimus finds out, will we be in real trouble.'' I remind Arcee and float up to optics level. ''We were to go to that concert then back to base.''

''And we will. We need to find Miko and as long as we don't shoot or break anything, then it will be fine.'' Defend Arcee calmly to me, then look down at Jack. ''Just don't tell your mom.''

''For real?'' I mumble to myself as Arcee and Jack walk into the mine. I stayed behind for a few seconds, thinking if I should wait here, but Optimus wanted me to stay with them, so I have to go into the mine. I fly over to them, to then walk beside them, with Jack in between us.

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