16. Stronger, Faster

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Robecca POV

''Thanks for borrowing your books Raf.'' I thanked the young human boy and hand back all the books he gave me to read about the human history, culture and nature.

''No problem. I will try and get some more from the library next time.'' Says Raf and put the books in his backpack. Thanks to Raf's help, have I been able to learn so much about this planet, and I have been storing all the knowledge to my Earth file. ''Hey, me and Bee are planning to play around with my mini car next week, maybe you can join us? I got a spare one.''

''I would love to. I just need permission from Optimus.'' I say excited and made a mental note.

''Should we see what Ratchet is doing?'' Ask Raf to change the subject. We both look at the medic, working on something with his microscope.

''He is working on that Synthetic Energon formular.'' I answer Raf, but still walked over to the Cybertronian. When we get in front of Ratchet, lean raf to the railing to look over Ratchet's work.

''Hey, Ratchet. Is that Synthetic Energon?'' Ask Raf, making me fake gasp and slightly nudge his shoulder, which earned a small laugh from Raf.

''Well, yes.'' Answer Ratchet a bit surprised Raf wanted to learn some Cybertron science. ''In fact, I am preparing to test a sample. I see that you come equipped with protective goggles.''

''I can watch?'' Says Raf excited as Ratchet prepares an injector with a green liquid. Ratchet put the injector to a small engine machine.

''We just add some to this test engine.'' Says Ratchet and wait for the machine to show some signs. The blue lights slowly turns green and within a minute, start the engine to hum and turn its wheels.

''It works. Bee.'' Says Raf amazed and want Bumblebee to see it.

''A bab bab. This iteration of the formula requires further trial, before we can even think we can even think about using it for fuel, ammunition or first aid.'' Lecture Ratchet and turn a bit sour, then look at the low pile of Energon boxes beside the medic area. ''Which is rather unfortunate since our own Energon reserves are at an all-time low.''

''No need to rub salt on the wound, Ratchet.'' I mumble and use a human saying. Ratchet just roll his eyes and look back at us.

''Our severely outnumbered warriors have been rapidly burning through out stockpile of late, as the Decepticon army continues to run us, ragged and grind us down. Natural Energon is in such short supply on your planet and Megatron seems to have his oily claws buried deep in all the Earth's deposits.'' Continue Ratchet on, clearly pointing out we are on the edge if we don't get Energon now. ''But if we can successfully produce a synthetic form, we can manufacture all the Energon we all ever need.''

''But that requires at least a hundred succesful beta tests, before we can think of using it on a bot.'' I added to the lecture and hopefully keep the mighty hope down. Having too much hope in something that ended up being nothing, is painful and can damage once confident. Ratchet look at me with a sad nod, until an alarm sounds from the main computer.

''More Energon on the move again.'' Inform Arcee as the gang walk over to the computer to see the satellite GPS.

''Their recent activity suggests a familiar pattern.'' Analyse Optimus of the situation and walk over to the Ground Bridge. ''The Decepticons are desperately scouting for new deposits to mine.''

''I don't that is the case.'' I speak up and finally gets to the computer to see it. I think they are doing something else. ''I think they might be doing this on purpose, to make you guys burn out your own Energon deposit, which is low right now.''

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