18 [Larry One Shot (AU)]

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A/N: I would just like to say that this is probably really bad since I kind of just move the story along as I write but oh whale. Also, the whole story is written from Harry's point of view. One last thing, one direction doesn't exist in this, hence the AU in the title.

Louis Tomlinson. That's all that I could think about, Louis Tomlinson. He had finally asked me to go on a date with him. I have loved him since we were eighteen. Even though we aren't the same age, It's all the same. I started loving him when I was eighteen, and now we're going on our first date. It was his idea, he asked me to go roller skating and I said yes even though I'm terrible at roller skating. I was pacing around my living room as I waited for him to come pick me up. I was excited but nervous. What if I embarrass myself in front of him? What if one of us gets hurt? I had so many questions, I was getting so paranoid about this. I always get paranoid when I go on a date, I think of all the things that could go wrong, instead of focusing on everything that could go right. I heard a car door open and shut. My heart dropped, I could feel my hands begin to sweat. I heard a knock and I open it in what felt like less than a second, I saw Louis standing there and my fear melted away just seeing his smile. "Are you ready to go, Harry?" Louis asked, snapping me out of the trance I was in.

"Erm Yes, let's go." I replied nervously.

"You're nervous aren't you?" Louis giggled and I blushed.

"Um, just a little bit." I was mentally telling myself to get it together and get into his car. The ride to the rink was enjoyable, we listened to our favorite music, we have similar music tastes. As we pulled into the rink my favorite blink-182 song started playing, I started pouting because I really loved the song. Louis just laughed and sat in the car with me until the song was over. After the song was over, we walked inside the rink and got our skates. I was nervous since I was terrible and I didn't want to embarrass myself. Almost one minute into skating, I fell. Right on my bum. I tried getting up and failed. Louis, who was a few feet in front of me, noticed my missing presence and turned around to see me struggling to get up. He skated over to me, "You need help?" he asked me trying to hold in his laughter, I glared at him as if to say, 'Yes you idiot.' He took my death glare as a yes and held out his hand, I grabbed it and got back on my feet, I went to let go of his hand but he wouldn't let go, his grip just tightened. "You obviously need help, so I'll help you." He told me, sass dripping off his words. I loved when he used sass, it shows his personality and I loved it.

While we were skating, he let go and just told me to wait where I was. I didn't know where he went, but he came back quickly. He grabbed my hand again and we continued to skate. After the current song ended, I heard familiar guitar notes and looked at Louis, and he just smiled. Then, it clicked, the song was 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' by Green Day, my favorite song. I looked at Louis and smiled, he blushed and looked away, knowing how surprised I was. I guessed that he had requested it to be played, just to make me happy. About halfway through the song, Louis pulled me into the middle of the rink, I didn't know what was happening but I looked directly into his eyes. "Harry Edward Styles, I love you so much and I took you on this date to prove to you how much I love you. I hope this was a perfect experience for you and that after this you'll be my boyfriend." I was taken aback, I didn't expect any of this but I looked directly into his eyes and replied, "yes." Then, he kissed me, right when the guitar solo came on, I felt so many feelings during this. It just felt like fireworks inside. I couldn't believe it, I just had my first kiss. I'm just glad that it was with Louis Tomlinson.

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