Once in a lifetime [Larry one shot AU]

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A/N: I had writer's block for like the past two weeks and I've finally got inspiration for something. I apologize if this is terrible, Harry's point of view. Enjoy. Also, I am indeed referencing my earlier Larry one shot just to make this more feely. One last thing, yes I get so cliche in this I'm sorry.

I was getting ready for my date with Louis. He was planning on taking me to a fancy restaurant so he told me to dress in a suit and tie. As I was straightening my tie, Louis showed up at my door. He looked so beautiful and in that moment, I couldn't believe he was mine. I remember our first kiss like it was yesterday, we were in high school. It has been 3 years since we graduated and 3 years since our first kiss. We were rollerskating and Louis asked them to put on my favorite song. He then pulled me into the middle of the rink and told me how much he loved me, then he kissed me. Right there in front of everyone, it was magical to say the least.

I didn't realize that I was daydreaming until Louis was snapping his fingers in my face and giggling. "Love, stop imagining me naked." I slapped him in the arm, he always thinks that I dream about him being naked. We got into the car listening to old Blink - 182 songs, as we drove I was humming along to 'I miss you' and I looked at Louis while he drove, remembering that he was mine. Finally, we showed up to the restaurant and we got out. What I didn't know was that Louis reserved us a table in the back of the restaurant. I found it a little strange since Louis doesn't usually take me to fancy restaurants or reserves a table for us in the back. I brushed it off just thinking he wanted to try something different. We even had our own waiter. After ordering our drinks, Louis and I decided that we would share a dish of spaghetti. While we waited for our food, Louis and I just talked about anything and everything. Mainly memories from high school because we were such idiots back then. One time my mum walked in on us making out because Louis beat me in a board game. She just awkwardly walked out without saying a word. That was one of my favourite moments with Louis, aside from out first kiss.

Once our food came Louis and I would constantly do the cliche couple thing and feed each other food. He tried to share a piece of spaghetti with me, but I denied it because I just found it weird. After we were finished, I excused myself to go to the bathroom, when I got back Louis had paid the bill and was standing up. When I got over to the table he starting giving me a speech.

"Harold Edward Styles, as you know I love you so much and can't imagine life without you. I've loved you so much since we were in high school and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," He said getting down on one knee "Harry, will you marry me?"

I was in shock. The love of my life just proposed to me. I couldn't believe it, I got out of my shocked state enough to say 'yes' and embrace Louis in a hug. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Louis William Tomlinson.

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