Jet Black Heart. [Malum AU] Alternate ending part 2.

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I got up the next morning with Michael fast asleep in my arms. I was happy that Michael was finally mine, but the happiness subsided when I remembered was Michael told me last night.


Luke had hurt him, Luke made Michael lose trust in everybody.
Calum was going to make Luke pay for what he had done.

I gently slipped Michael from my arms and I got out of his bed. I quietly left the room and went to the kitchen. I got down there and I saw exactly who I was looking for, Luke. I stood in the doorway, waiting for Luke to acknowledge my presence before I attack. It didn't take long for Luke to notice me before he spoke. "Hey, Cal-"

I didn't let him finish before I had him pinned on the wall.

"What the fuck did you do to Michael?"

"Calum, calm down. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Michael told me that you hurt hum, what the fuck did you do?" I wasn't joking, I wad ready to fight Luke if he said that he did hurt Michael.

"I may have told him that he was a worthless piece of shit and I was only dating him out of pity." That's what pushed me over the edge.

Within less than a second I had Luke pinned to the ground, I was punching his face and yelling at him for saying that to Michael. I was beyond furious, he knew that Michael had issues in the past, why would he say that to him?

I threw multiple punches before I was being pulled off of Luke by a pair of strong arms. I struggled against the grip until I realized that I couldn't escape. I looked up to see Ashton holding me back, pure terror written on his face.

"Calum, why the fuck are you hitting my boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? When did you and Ashton become a thing?"

"When Luke broke up with me," a small voice said. I turned around to see Michael, looking sad at what I was doing.

"Michael, I-" he cut me off.

"Calum, I understand, you were angry at Luke, but you can't hit him like that."

By then Ashton was comforting a crying Luke while I was trying to explain to Michael what I've done.

"Calum, just please come here, I'm not mad."

I hesitantly walked into his open arms and finally let the tears fall, Michael held me and told me it would be okay, but it wasn't going to be okay.

Now the band is torn in two.

All because of me.

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