The Only Reason. [Muke]

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I had just gotten back from having lunch with Calum, we decided we would go get Pizza since we were drifting away. Yes, we were in the same band, but since Luke and I started dating, Calum and I haven't talked like we used to. The same goes for Ashton and Luke, so Calum and I decided to get lunch while the other two stayed at the hotel and bonded a little. 

As we got to our floor of the hotel, we went our separate ways, Calum going to the room he shared with Ashton, while I went to the room I shared with Luke. The sight I saw was not what I was expecting. It shattered my heart. I saw Luke and Ashton.

Luke was on Ashton's lap. 

Ashton was kissing him. 

Luke didn't pull away. 

He kissed Ashton back. 

Luke pulled away and noticed my presence in the room. His eyes immediately widened, climbing off of Ashton to engulf me into a hug. 

"Michael I-" Luke tried to explain while walking over to me, before I cut him off. 

"No Luke, you fucked up. It's going to take a lot more than sorry to earn my trust back. If you get yourself together, I'll be in the bus. Goodbye, Luke, I hope you have fun with Ashton." I spat at him, I was utterly disgusted at him. He promised that he loved me more than anyone else. He's such a liar. 

I stormed my way into the bus, going straight to the back lounge. Locking myself back there. Once I heard the lock click, I let what I had been holding in since I saw the kiss. I let the cries loose. I sobbed, heartbroken over the fact that Luke would cheat on me. I love him so much, and I thought he felt the same. 

Obviously not. 

The sadness quickly subsided to anger, I threw everything near me to the ground, I threw all the video games to the ground, not caring if they broke or not. I threw pillows everywhere. After my anger subsided, I just fell to the ground in a heap of sobs. I never thought that Luke would do that. Especially since Ashton was our band member. He told me that he had feelings for Ashton before we got together, but he said he didn't anymore. He lied. Once again. How many lies has he been keeping from me?

After sitting on the ground for hours I decided that it would be a good idea for me to go to bed. So I headed to my bunk and climbed into it. I plugged in my headphones and tried to sleep. After about five songs, I felt my chest get tight, I tried to take deep breaths before I had a full blown anxiety attack. Luke was the only person on my mind, and it wasn't helping. I had to talk to someone. 

I tried to call Calum, no answer. 

Ashton. No answer. 

My breathing quickened because I knew what this meant, I had to call Luke. It didn't matter, if I couldn't get my breathing under control I would pass out. I had to call him. 

I pressed his contact and put the phone to my ear, praying that he'll answer. 

I heard the click that signaled, that he answered and I was relieved. 

"Mikey? Oh my god I'm so sorry I don't-" He cut himself off when he heard me struggling for air. "Michael? Are you okay?" 

No, I wasn't okay.

"I need you Luke, please, I-I can't breathe. I need you." 

"I'll be there in a minute, you're in the bus, right?" I nodded, forgetting that he can't see me. But he hung up before I could respond.

I had to climb out of my bunk and I tried to get to the bathroom, but I was shaking so much I had trouble standing and I had to sit on the floor in front of my bunk until Luke came.

It felt like hours until Luke came. I heard the door of the bus close and his voice calling out my name. I couldn't speak so I let out a whimper so he could find me. He soon found where I lying and I could see the heartbreak in his eyes. He has had to help me with an anxiety attack before but I could tell that he knew he was the reason for this one. I could tell that he hesitated helping me because I told him that I lost my trust in him. I sent him a look of fear, silently begging him to help me. Luke saw that look and quickly took me in his arms, my head on his chest. "Michael, kitten, calm down. Breathe. Do you hear my heartbeat, listen to that and breathe."

I could feel the tightness in my chest subside and feel my breathing slow. I didn't see it but I knew Luke was relieved. "Good job, Michael. I'm so sorry that I caused that, I don't know what happened with Ashton,  I just-" I cut him off.

"Luke it's fine, I forgive you, but I still don't fully trust you. We can talk about this at another time, just please cuddle with me." 

We both then climbed into his bunk. Usually when we cuddle, it was me holding him, but this time it was the opposite, and I loved it. I curled into his chest and I smiled knowing he was there. I was so worn out by what just happened that I fell asleep almost instantly, but before I closed my eyes I could hear Luke whisper the words that I wanted to hear all night. 

"I love you so much, Michael, I don't ever want to lose you."

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