Broken Pieces. [Mashton]

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A/N: Before I start, I just want to say that this is the first time writing mashton and I'm going to try my best since I have never read or written mashton. I would love to hear if you liked it or not so I can try others like cashton and cake possibly, or if you don't like it, I'll just continue with Muke, Lashton, and Malum since I am more familiar with those. Thanks guys. 


I was dreading this day for weeks. It has been three weeks since Ashton and I broke up. I had to go to his apartment, not to make up with him, but to retrieve my clothing and all my things. I can't avoid him because of the band, but I don't have to live with him or have to have any of my things at his place. I have my own apartment. But I have to go there today. So I just walk up the stairs to his apartment and pray that he doesn't try to get back together. 

When I walked in I saw the complete opposite of what I was expecting. I was expecting it to be clean, a few dirty plates scattered around like usual, but instead I was greeted with scattered clothes. Not just any clothes, my clothes. I went to the bedroom to get one of my bags and to see if any of my clothes were still left in the closet. I was greeted with yet another surprise. Ashton, asleep in the bed, wearing his favorite sweater of mine. I knew he liked to sleep in it, but I needed it back. I got a bag and gathered the rest of my clothes, not wanting to wake him until I left. I was walking back to the bedroom after gathering everything in the living room but I dropped the bag, making a lot of noise and waking Ashton up. He walked to the hallway where I was, and stopped. His breath hitched and he came running towards me engulfing me into a hug.

"Michael, I missed you so much. Please forgive me,"  He said beginning to cry. I was about to give in, but I remembered the things he did to me, filling me with anger. 

"No Ashton. Don't play the victim here, you did things to me that you should never have done. You cheated on me when I was at my weakest. Don't forget when you came back and made me have sex with you when you apologized. I didn't want it, but you did and you thought it would make me forgive you. Well guess what, it didn't!" I said beginning to raise my voice, "I hate you Ashton Irwin and I never want to talk to you again." 

I walked out and sat on the curb outside his house. I broke down then, I loved Ashton but what he did was unforgivable. I regret saying I didn't want to talk to him again,  but I can't take it back, the damage is already done. I want to be friends again, but I'll have to find a way to pick up these broken pieces. 

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